[@SleepingSilence] I believe the best way to perceive it is what the improvements do in quality, their quantity, and their effect. The majority of people, at least in a major "city" as Night City, do have basic cybernetics, everything from watches to color changing eyes, to generic mass produced biomonitors, to chips for paying as they go, to plugs to connect themselves to their computers and vehicles. Those are assumed standard place, fair game as far as I can imagine because they are open to the regular populace and people all use them. Of course there are those who do not, wisely so depending on their lifestyle, but they are considered few and in between generally. A person with synthetic arms and ultraviolet capable eyes, wired reflexes, and reinforced bone would objectively be unusual, but they are still at least three-fourths human and would not be [i]too[/i] unexpected. That is how I am choosing to view it, where I am concerned that is. "What does the common man have or entertain?" then from there, "What access and entry would deviants from the norm, be them corporate, criminal, or government have?" then build up the pyramid that way to you reach the people who are chrome killing machines with arms that turn into lasers, ten different tools, are mostly cyborgs, can launch miniature missiles from their shoulders, run tirelessly, and react at the speed of light thanks to fiberoptic nerves.