[@Squirrel98][@bloonewb][@DarkHuntress][@medalliah][@Animera] [color=6ecff6]"Ivy isn't annoying. Well not in the way most older siblings describe their younger siblings. She just as more energy than she knows what to do with. I would like to say that she will calm down. But that would be a lie."[/color] Kyle took the hand that the other boy offered. [color=6ecff6]"It's nice to meet you Trent. I am Kyle." He [/color]said just in case the other man hadn't caught his name when Ivy said it. He looked over at the girl who offered to play with Ivy. [color=6ecff6]"I would be careful about that. Ivy moves faster than most people."[/color] Ivy tilted her head. [color=ed1c24]"WE ALL DO MAGIC! IS MAGIC A GAME TOO? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT! KYLE AND I DON'T PLAY GAMES! IT ISN'T EASY FOR ME TO STAY STILL LONG! I AM EXCITED ABOUT MEETING OTHERS LIKE ME! WHAT DO YOU THINK WE WILL DO FIRST? I SUPPOSE THEY WILL DO ONE OF THOSE GET TO KNOW YOU GAMES! LIKE THEY DO IN SCHOOL! I WENT TO SCHOOL ONCE BUT THE TEACHER GOT MADE AT ME BECAUSE I COULDN'T STAY STILL! NOW KYLE TEACHES ME!"[/color] Ivy beamed when one of the girls offered to play a hand game with her. She bounced over to the girl and than around her. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO! MY NAME IS IVY! I SEE YOU MET MY BROTHER! YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME? I AM NOT GOOD AT GAMES! WHAT'S YOUR NAME? WHAT IS YOUR POWER? WHAT DO YOU THINK WE WILL DO TODAY?"[/color]