[@Letter Bee] I favor the mecha concepts that are more grounded in reality out of personal preference because they seem believable, even if mecha will never be a good idea strategically or mechanically. The reason I like Pacific Rim is because it pays some lip service to the laws of inertia even while breaking a ton of other physics. They do quite well to maintain the suspension of disbelief. But once you throw inertia to the wind with the kind of rapid accelerations I see in snippets of Gundam, I just can't keep up that suspension of disbelief and I can't enjoy it anymore. Its not just about what [i]I'm piloting[/i], its about being able to buy into the universe that's been created. To that end I get ultra-picky when mechs are involved. I do want to buy into a lot of parts of this universe you've created, so I'm not gonna say never. But my enjoyment generally ceases the instant a hundred ton bipedal war engine starts flying. This ended up far longer than it probably needed to be but you asked so I gave you the comprehensive answer.