[@Crimmy][@Slime][@Ayazi] [center]Airship Docks-[color=0072bc][b]Beryl Harken[/b][/color][/center] [color=0072bc]"We'll help you get to know the place, don't worry."[/color] Beryl said as she turned and gestured for them to follow her. [color=0072bc]"Your assignment was actually a bit unexpected. We were planning on going shopping this evening so your arrival has put a bit of a cramp in our schedule. Judging from your baggage I'm guessing you didn't bring much in the way of extra clothing. So in lieu of a tour why don't you join us? I'm sure Gratia would be glad to help you pick out something decent." [i]Dear lord I hope he doesn't dress like that all the time. I don't think I could deal with another Vega.[/i][/color] Beryl was fond of the other girl but her attire was...garish? Painful to look at? An insult to the very idea of fashion? OK, maybe not that last one but even to Beryl, whose knowledge of fashion was limited to what she learned from staring longingly at clothes on the internet, Vega's fashion sense sucked. Hmmmmm. Maybe Jericho could give some pointers. He probably learned about it in one of his How-To-James-Bond courses.