[@Silvan Haven][@Slime][@Ayazi] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks[/b] "[color=66cd00]It was my choice to wear this,[/color]" she said, "[color=66cd00]as it was for you to make a horrible fashion choice.[/color]" Gratia pulled out her phone, flipping it open to quickly send off a message, before closing it and pocketing it in one fell swoop. "[color=66cd00]You're changing out of that fucking disaster,[/color]" the Mistralese girl continued bluntly, tone commanding. "[color=66cd00]Fortunately, Venetia will be joining us and paying. Even if that girl's idea of fashion is akin to the shit of vultures filling up the insides of a rotting carcass, at least her wealth can save you from the same horrid fate.[/color]"