[@Jestocost] I don't know about any oil fields out there or any significant economic activity that would strand a bunch of westerners otherwise unaffiliated with the Russian government and probably with passports to other countries. Unless Byrds says otherwise, sounds like something where these people could just appeal to Japanese assistance to withdraw them and get them out. But the thing too to keep in mind about the area around or near Kamchatka is that part of Russia is basically considerably under populated. Even today the population density on average in the area is less than three people per square mile. There's a few communities there but I don't know if they'd actually be large enough to make a sort of cohesive political organization. [img]https://toinformistoinfluence.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/map-soviet-union-population-density.jpg[/img] Like when you talk about Siberian monasteries I was expecting something like Omsk. Once you get that far east and that close to the Arctic things become less Russian and more Caribou herders and people related to the Alaskan Inuit, or basically the same people.