[@Slime][@Silvan Haven][@Ayazi] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks[/b] If Gratia was in any way surprised by her teammate's possession of handcuffs, none of it showed on her unchanging, flat expression. In any case, it had been a shitty joke. As much of a stain on her eyesight and good taste his clothing choices were, she would more preferably find him an outfit that didn't look like a tapeworm after it had been ripped straight out of somebody's clogged bowels. "[color=66cd00]We'll take my car,[/color]" she said, following after her teammate. "[color=66cd00]Leave your luggage at the dorm and we'll head straight for the stores.[/color]" It would reduce the time she would have to spend looking at his clothes.