[center][h1][color=darkred]Jason[/color] & [color=chocolate]Edward[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@SilverPaw][@Searat][@Kazemitsu] Though seemingly skeptical of Jason's intentions, Asteria, like Edward, agreed to the terms of the alliance. Well most of the terms anyway, yet was seemingly taken aback by the clause regarding mana crystals. [Color=darkred]"I understand why you may be offput about having to cede any mana crystals you come across to another alliance member. The reason for such a tenant is that magic uses up a great deal of mana, there are two ways that you can regain said mana, at least, as far as I know. The fist method is sleep, the second, by using mana crystals. Therefore, in order to be able to consistently use magic skills in battle, they require mana crystals. The reason I ask that those who have no magical skills give their mana crystals to those [u]with[/u] magic based skills is solely on the grounds that mana crystals are essentially useless to those without magic abilities, again, as far as I know."[/color] he exlained before stopping to listen to Asteria's next statement. [Color=darkred]"Yes, that is exactly what I planned to test!"[/color] Jason explained with a chuckle, [color=darkred]"I apologise for the oversight in my explanation, but yes, I am going to try using my telepathy on you both. Also, I am trying to gain the skill monster analysis, which I think I can work on by using my [b][Tremor Sense I][/b] skill to non-invasively view the inside of your bodies, similar to an x-ray. Now Ed, would you be so kind as to be my first volunteer?"[/color] he finished, once again slowly moving towards Edward. Ed listened and understood what Jason and Asteria told him. There was a great possibility that other creatures had a knack for certain kinds of magic and skills restricted to some species. Though what confused him was that Asteria 'obtained' a skill called [Monster Analysis I] and Jason claimed that one of his skills was 'labeled' [CURRENTLY INCOMPATIBLE] What did they mean by that? Are there ranks and degrees of skills that are usable? And what did Jason mean 'labeled?' Did that mean there was a means to check if skills you have are usable or something? Ed was snapped back to reality when he had heard Jason asking him to be the first volunteer to this [Tremor Sense I]. Truth be told, Ed was not very excited to be the guinea pig of this experiment but he too was rather curious what the skill do if it were some impromptu version of an X-ray or FMRI scan. [color=chocolate]"I'm not too sure about this Jason, but I cannot deny my scientific curiosity to what would happen."[/color] He walks closer to the slime. [color=chocolate]"I do hope you know what you are doing..."[/color] [Color=darkred]"Please Edward,"[/color] Jason jokingly retorted,[color=darkred]Of course I know what I'm doing..... Mostly.[/color] As Edward moved close to Jason, the slime extended several pseudopods, firmly pressing them into multiple spots around the dire rat's body, before channeling [b][Tremor Sense I][/b]. Once Jason had seen the full layout of his comrade's body, he drew back all but two of the pseudopods, and touched the two sides of the rat's head. Centering his mind on the 'focus' hard, Jason pushed mana into the 'invisible connection' between himself and Ed, sending forward the thought, [color=darkred][i]"Can. You. Hear. Me?"[/i][/color] Pulling away, Jason awaited Ed's response. Ed simply looks at the slime as its pseudopods vibrate as if sounds were being produced from within them. It was a rather strange but not unwelcomed experience to the young dire rat. Ed simply stares at the slime as it pulled away and offered him a expectant look. [color=chocolate]"Uhh..."[/color] Ed rubs the back of his head awkwardly as he tries to formulate a response. He wasn't too sure what was supposed to happen. [color=chocolate]"Thanks for the...massage?"[/color] Frowning, Jason looked about the ceiling for a cluster of mana crystals. Spying some, he used the last of his mana to cast [b][Stone Shot I][/b], knocking the cluster down before flopping over and snatching up the crystals. [Quote=System:Jason] 3x Mana Crystal added to inventory [/quote] Absorbing one of the crystals, Jason sighed with relief as he felt his mana replenish. Extending two pseudopods, and touching one to each side of Edward's head once more, the slimy mage cleared his mind and focused deeply on the 'invisible connection'. This time, as mana built up, Jason held onto it, not allowing it through thrice the amount of mana had built up. This time, he was going to try something small, picturing the word [color=darkred][i]'Test'[/i][/color], Jason pushed the thought into the mana amassed, and drove both through the 'invible connection' to the point that he finally felt the thought completely exit his mind.