[center][img]https://cantuse.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/mountains-winter-snow-trees-cityscapes-houses-fantasy-art-digital-art-artwork-medieval-portuguese_www-wallmay-net_27-e1409259766675.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [right][b][color=ed1c24]Praetor City, Dall[/color] Winter - 941 F.M [color=0072bc](Finis Mortem) [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPCsUHKZEh8][ ♫ ][/url][/color][/b][/right][hr] The procession was guided through the twisting halls of the keep by their astute guides. They were hurried along at a rather quick pace, never allowed to linger to take in the palace's many sights. The only time they ever stopped at all was when the captain moved by the kitchen and pilfered a hot cup of tea for the foreign adventurer- and anyone that wanted one for themselves. While they gathered, the captain and the guests were joined by the royal guard sergeant and the lone necromancer he escorted. As they continued on their journey deeper into the palace, the procession was offered a glimpse of Dall's boundless coffers. Tapestries of ancient battles woven with colored silk and paintings of long dead monarchs decorated the marble walls. Incriminates of shining gold, splendorous and pure, were carved into the stone in intricate and beautiful designs. Luxury and lavishness defined the Dallish capital. No expense was spared, and the great wealth of it's merchant king was put on full display for all to see. Passed room after room, hallway after hallway, the group finally came upon their destination. A doorway of heavy oak and iron. Much like the great gate of the keep, yet smaller and- apparent by it's worn handle- well used. When it creaked open, the party was at once assaulted by a harsh breeze. The wind swept inside the keep like a river of ice, chilling all it encountered to the bone. They were led onto a frost covered portico just outside of the castle, where a great deal of activity could be seen. Young boys and old men cloaked in heavy furs carried large trunks and bags upon their backs and shoulders, transporting them to and from a great storehouse adjacent to the keep. Several large horses lingered in the snow, packs being strapped down to the sides of their saddles. Each was fitted with a draping coat of padded linen; a means to keep them warm in Dall's unrelenting winter. Standing on the portico just before the door was a short man wrapped tightly in a lavish-looking coat. His balding head was covered by a floppy cap, and his face protected under layers upon layers of thick white facial hair. The aging man turned when he turned the door opening, his thick spectacles nearly falling off his nose in the process. "Ah, there you are!" He nearly shouted. He started toward them, tucking the scroll of parchment under his arm as he gave a quick wave to the hired treasure hunters. "You have my [b]sincerest[/b] apologies for all of this trouble. You have no idea how busy this time of year is for us. And the gods, so cruel! They brought on an early snow!" The odd fellow threw an arm out behind him, gesturing to the field of white that covered practically every inch of the outdoors, and to the flakes that seemed to never stop falling. "I am Frederick Lethino, the king's royal steward. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." He smiled, nodding to them as he rapidly rubbed his hands together to keep them warm. "You should all know why the king has summoned you here- I was quite detailed in my summons, after all. But just in case, I'll give you a brief...refresher." Lethino cleared his throat, his hands coming together in front of his chest as he straightened his back. He'd changed his usual speech a little, hoping to add an extra bit of thematic flair to his delivery. "By order of King Astius the Second, ruler of Dall, you are hereby granted the title of Royal Artificers. This temporary seal will allow you to pass through the guard station at Contritum, and enter into the sunken city of the ancients." Lethino explained, his voice grave and his delivery far too dramatic. "As Royal Artificers, your duty is to secure still-operational artifacts. For every treasure you bring back with you, you will be rewarded with Dall silver. It is no exaggeration to say that this mission could make you quite rich. However, be warned: it is not without risk. We all know of the Broken. The monsters that stalk the cities of old- said to devour the very flesh of those still-living captives they take. The lucky ones die quickly. Broken are fierce, unpredictable, and above all: intelligent. I make this clear to you so that you know what you're going up against is not to be taken lightly. Though you are all proven warriors in your own right...It is not uncommon for whole teams of Artificers to never return." Lethino pulled the parchment out from underneath his arm, unrolling it. "If you're having second thoughts, I won't blame you. But this is the last time you may back down. If you're still willing, each of you will be provided with a small sum for taking the job; the rest will be given when you return with the artifacts. Your deadline is one week. Seven days to get there, collect as much as you can, and then return back here to reap your reward. I'll be sending you with a small escort and a guide to ensure that you get to the city and back safely, but only the guide will be joining you in Contritum; the rest of the escort will wait at the outpost." The Steward had one of his aides approach each of the Artificers caring a bag of coin. They were not insignificant in size, and just the beginning sum would be worth months of a working man's wages. "I will have each of you who take the sum sign this document with your name. This binds you to complete the kingdom's contract. If you do not return in seven days to fulfill it, you will be a fugitive of the law, and this money will be considered stolen. The penalty for stealing in Dall is enslavement until the debt is paid." Frederick handed the contract and a quill to whomever took their own bag of coin first. "Those of you who sign may choose a horse from those standing behind me. They're the strongest bred in all of Dall, and are trained not to panic- even in the face of the Broken. They'll serve you better than any horse that isn't from the Plains. You'll all need to hurry. You have perhaps five hours of sunlight left, and the journey to Contritum will take four of those."