[@Blueflame][@Searat][@Phantomlink959][@LightningMaiden] Griffin shook his head. He didn't know if Argus could help him or not. It didn't matter. He didn't have the time to learn. At least not off the job. His time was limited. Even though the higher ups assured him that they were working on ways for him to function during the day he needed to sleep sometime. And hunt. It was much easier to hunt at night. There were few people who might spot him and more shadows to hid in. As much as he wanted to help others he could only do so much. Unlike the others he wasn't free to come and go as he pleased. [color=39b54a]"I will meet you at HeadQuarters."[/color] Griffin told the others gruffly before he stormed back to where he had left his bike. This case had gone fubar so many times it wasn't even funny. He had no doubt that the higher ups would blame him. He was supposed to be in charge. He was supposed to be the one who knew he was doing. He had been working with agents at night for years. Of course he had technically been working under them but most of the humans had followed his lead when he told them something.