[center]2117. Individuality doesn’t exist. Originality is an abstract notion. Creativity and ingenuity are weeds cut at the roots. Oppression. Depression. Disconnection. This is the world we created. A world we accepted. Technology made us content. A consumer culture fueled by a capitalist society kept us preoccupied. Freedom. Independence. These things are but faded memories, masked by gadgets and toys and trinkets and ploys of a faux equality amongst the classes. Technology made us stupid. The News kept us dim. Our celebrity culture kept us aspiring for a reward that would never come. The year is 2117. Ruled under a single Governing body, the world is gliding through a cultural and technologic renaissance; peace reigns dominant, the economy is stronger than it’s ever been, and we’re on course to repairing the damage done to our atmosphere throughout the previous two centuries. Population has flourished, bordering thirteen billion. Cities, with skyscrapers grazing the clouds, stretch for miles upon miles, brandishing neon lights and tantalizing sounds of consumerism and opportunity. Medicine has almost eradicated all disease, and the mortality rates plummeted exponentially. Genetic and physical modifications and plentiful, to those whom can afford it. But isn’t that the catch; if you can afford it. Whilst these privileges are plentiful for the upper classes, the working classes slave away day after day, contempt with their lives as long as they feel they are contributing to the system and earning a ‘living’, if it could be called such a thing. Everything is connected. There is no longer a divide between the online world and the real world. Neural-Interfaces are the height of popularity, meaning that the user has complete access to the online world through their own eyes, at the cost of a small device surgically attached to them. Print media is extinct, the majority of food comes in the form of flavoured injections unless you can afford the real stuff, and we face a world in which everyone is so wrapped up in the latest technology, that they spend their lives grueling away at uniformed careers to make ends meet. It’s time to add a little anarchy into the system. It’s time to break the mold. You were blind, but now you see. You were a sheep happily walking to slaughter, but now you run with the wolves. A few weeks ago, you were contacted by a mysterious source, whom offered you a chance to feel the winds of freedom. For whatever reason, you agreed, and sometime soon after, it happened; you were abducted, and in a haze remember being injected with… something. You can’t quite remember what. You were dumped at the side of the road, and that was that. What they injected you with is the real kicker, here. A prototype, a brilliant new innovation that will literally change the course of the world, but certainly not for the better. Nano-Bytes. Running through your bloodstream, you find yourself feeling more energetic than you have in a long time. You can hear farther than you ever could, and your eyesight is impeccable. You can manipulate objects around you, using the microscopic nano-bytes running through your body to move things at will. You’re sharper than you ever were, stronger than you could have ever become, and for the first time, you see the world for what it truly is. It’s time to add a dash of anarchy to the system. (A lot more to come, but this is just me testing the waters. Any questions/thoughts? Interested?) [/center] [hider=Inspiration] [center] [img]http://st.gdefon.com/wallpapers_original/wallpapers/366298_kiberpank_zakat_gorod_ogni_budushhee_neboskreby_1700x1000_(www.GdeFon.ru).jpg[/img] [img]http://rewalls.com/images/201205/reWalls.com_66269.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider]