Image: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Name: Grief Species: Pony (mutant) Age: 9 Source: My Sonic FC Grief [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Appearance Description: He looks like a normal black fured child pony with green eyes and yet dark violet hair. He also wears spiked bracelets around his hooves, however he is capable of changing his size and to become quite large and more spacious. Height: 3ft (normal size), normally around 50ft-60ft when giant. 100ft is strained maximum. Personality: Grief is a child and a brat, however he is also a child with superpowers capable of becoming gigantic and wreaking havoc in his juvenile antics and careless nativity. While he's capable of getting along with others, Grief is also known to be snarky, condescending, temperamental, and stubborn at times. However, he is also loyal and brave, even if for all the wrong reasons. Backstory: Long story short, Grief was once a sickly foul until his mother experimented on him to save his life as a baby. By doing so she also turned him into a mutant pony with superpowers. power section- Skills: Grief can be tactically minded and creative when need be, he also is capable of searching for weaknesses in an opponent. That is, as much as any bully would be able to in another kid or person in general. Traits: .Trained endurance .Increased metabolism .Seasonally conditioned (he is very active.) Powers: .Grief's main power is the ability to grow larger and larger to become a mighty and powerful giant. Normally he just thinks of getting "bigger or smaller" and begins to increase or decrease at will. His normal average is around 50-60ft in height and just as proportionally wider and larger. However, he is capable of growing up to 100ft, this puts a lot of strain on him being a child and thus he usually tries not to get this big. .Growth (and reversion back to normal). Grief's main power is to become a titanic twerp with super strength and super durability. . At normal size he shows an unnatural amount of endurance, but only to enhanced levels. .Concussive resistance when bigger. .Super strength when giant. Equipment: His bracelets are actually communicators and also monitor his vitals for his mother to gather data on.