[@armorplated] Yeah, my initial thought was Nadijah trying to snipe him from a rooftop while he was distracted by the mob, but then I started to reckon that he probably wears armour... In which case, she'd need to get close with her blades instead. In her mind, she'd sweep in, slice him up and leave. In reality it will probably turn into a confrontation and allow Product to introduce the king. Of course, it'd be even better if they had explosives, but I doubt they can find them this fast. Doubt the actual stores in this sell bombs and bomb arrows like they're nothing, heh. Also. Whoops, called her by the wrong name there. That was what I planned to call her at first before settling on Nadijah. Fixed! Hopefully Product replies soon so I know what to do for my post. Ans thanks! It's a Japan trip, this time around the countryside/mountain range, since I've been to the usual big cities so many times by now. Am excited.