"I'm Sophie," the girl replied. [i]She has such a beautiful voice, too![/i] Ed saluted. "Nice to make your acquaintance, Sophie." He turned his gaze forward, happy that he got to talk to her, and that she talked to him. And then never again. She made no effort to speak to either boy beside her. Ed instinctively picked up on her terse response as a signal that no further conversation was to be attempted with her. Bergson Somerset, however, either didn't notice or deliberately ignored it. "What brings such a pretty girl to a place like this?" he asked, eyes roaming around her body. "You could be a model if you wanted." Ed winced. [i]She came here to learn. Duh. And that model comment is so cringe-worthy.[/i] He glanced at Sophie to gauge her reaction. Considering her earlier silence, he surmised that talking to Somerset again wasn't a good course of action - she might not like two guys talking over her, and if one of the boys started getting aggressive, fighting over a girl they barely knew who was sitting in between them would be [i]very[/i] awkward. The best course of action was to wait and see how she handled this. Maybe his concern was unwarranted.