Koph leaned on her spear, waiting calmly but impatient on the inside. She was happy to see Mily; but she was even happier with the speed her advisor employed in setting Voltaire up for beginning his life as an adventurer. Mily always moved faster than the Song while at work. When they were finally ready, though, the advisor had to advise. It wasn't something Koph particularly liked to hear. [color=00ff7f]"Mmm,"[/color] was her simple response. [color=00ff7f]"We're familia."[/color] Koph lifted her spear and spun about, not even waiting for Voltaire to finish pulling on his new chest-piece. Though the morning was young, the flow outside was already moving toward the Dungeon. Amid the errands being run, the shops being opened and visited, the many daily chores that kept a city running, there was undeniably a current pulling people toward the Dungeon. It was as though the Dungeon, too, was just waking, sucking in a deep breath that pulled all the adventurers into it. Koph's feet carried her into the current, her body melting into the flow, her heart longing to be swallowed by the Dungeon. It was only with effort she stayed aware enough to make sure Voltaire was still with her, that she hadn't drifted too far ahead. It wasn't until they were standing in the grand plaza before the tower than another thought crossed her mind. She spun around to ask her new partner. [color=00ff7f]"Volter-kun, is a dagger enough?"[/color]