[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]St. Lucia Hospital[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Evening[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend], Marshall [Stepfather] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Nauseous[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmZhOTliZi5VM1JoZEdsaklFNXZhWE5sLjAA/leather-font.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.gifer.com/I3uR.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] Alexander had relaxed immensely, which let Gigi actually watch the movie in peace. She expected his little jumps, though she just held his hand through it. He interlocked their fingers, which she found a little odd, but for some reason she didn't mind it. Now that she really thought about it, though, this was probably the first time she had been so close to someone without the intention of murder or maiming. How strange. But her chest felt warm, and even as he continued to jump once in a while, she found herself actually liking it. Was this wise, though? Getting so close to Alexander? Helene would probably be thrilled at the idea. Then again, if she got close enough to him, she could use him. Wow, that was a really shitty thought, and she ended up frowning slightly to reflect it. A boy and a girl watching a movie, if they were normal, this could even be considered a date. But they weren't normal. Or at least, she wasn't. She was taught not to feel, not to make attachments. But ever since he managed to get in her good graces, she felt the wall she had put up slowly cracking. And no matter how much she tried to patch the holes, Alexander kept bum rushing her. So what did that mean? Was she catching feelings? Was that why she kept feeling so weird around him? No, it should be more obvious than this. She should be all fluttery or have butterflies or something. No, she was just being comforting so she could watch the movie in peace. Except, she had been so lost in her thoughts she wasn't really paying attention. Great, someone was getting ripped to shreds and she didn't know why. Suddenly, Alexander jumped out of his seat, pulling her along with him. At first, she was at a complete loss, having been caught completely off guard by the sudden movement. The most she let out was a gasp as she was pulled down. Once things had settled, she rubbed her head, confused. What, the microwave of all things was what scared him? As she tried to move, she looked up and saw Alexander looking right back at her. She felt her breath actually get caught in her throat, her eyes widening. What was wrong with her? Breathing was supposed to come naturally, why was she having such a hard time? It was his eyes that had paralyzed her. Now that she was this close, she realized how beautiful they were. The light of the television didn't do them justice, and she felt trapped. "[color=orangered]U-Um...[/color]" Whoa, was that her voice? Why did it come out so meek and shy? Her heart was beating fiercely against her chest for some reason, her cheeks gaining color rapidly. "[color=orangered]Are you okay...?[/color]" Wow, her face felt really hot. [hr] As the sound of a gun fired, Helene braced herself. The sound of something falling on the ground, however, made her open her eyes, and she realized the man that was about to shoot her was now lying in a pool of his own blood. Who shot him? She didn't have time to wonder as she was pulled up by hair hair, and she let out a cry of pain as she felt something press against her throat. But with a second gunshot, and the pain ceased, and she landed on the floor as well. Her hand flew to her throat, and she found blood on her hand. Said hand was shaking, and as a pair of black shoes came into view, she looked up and saw Evan breathing heavily. When did he get here? No, he must have noticed the alarm had gone off and came as quickly as he could. He knelt down to her, carefully helping her to her feet. His eyes ran over her, likely checking for injuries, and he placed his hand on her neck. "[color=darkorange]Je l'ai fait...[/color]" His words came out automatically as he pulled Helene into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "[color=darkorange]Dieu merci, je l'ai fait...I'm so sorry...[/color]" Hearing his voice and feeling his embrace seemed to bring Helene back to life, and she squeezed him back, letting out tears she didn't know she was holding back. As she pulled away, she was surprised to see him crying too, though he quickly wiped her tears away. "[color=darkorange]We're getting you out of here, it's not safe anymore.[/color]" She nodded, clinging onto him as he lead her out of the house. A few people walked past them, likely to clean up and dispose of the bodies, and Helene shuddered. As she was about to get into Evan's car, she hesitated, looking back at the house. She really thought she was going to die, and all she could think about was Terrance and her friends. Evan noticed her hesitation, looking at her expectedly. She shook her head, getting in the car, and together they drove away. With shaky hands she brought out her phone, and as she unlocked it, the picture she had sneakily taken of Terrance popped up. She felt her heart sink, and she suddenly imagined if he had been there. What if she had declared her love for him, invited him back to her place? Then he would have gotten attacked, too. A shiver went down her spine as she imagined those man grabbing him, getting him down and shooting him, and she clammed up entirely. No, she had made the right call. If anything had happened to him, she would never have forgiven herself. If she wanted to keep him safe, she had to stay away from him. She had to. [sub][1]I made it. Thank God, I made it.[/sub] [hr] Eva watched Arthur rather nervously, trying to figure out what was going through his head. Of course, this was about as easy as finding the end of clear tape on a roll, and she had no idea what he was thinking. He looked nervous. Why wouldn't he be? Sure, at least now they were a couple, but still. For all intents and purposes, they really hadn't gotten to know one another that well. She never asked him what his plan for the future was, she never expressed to him what she wanted to do with her life. What was she going to do if he didn't want anything to do with it? Would he leave? No, there was no way she could handle it or anything else if he left. As his eyes finally met hers, she felt nervous as he didn't look happy or sad or anything. It was like the first day of school again, when he just noticed she existed. His touch came as a surprise, but as he held her hand, she knew they'd be alright. His words gave her an immense relief, and she let out a breath. How could she have doubted him when he had proven time and time again that he was there for her? Still, this was something that shook her to her core, and the timing wasn't ideal. Okay, so maybe she really did want to have a little Arthur in her arms someday, the idea was comfortable in her head, but she wanted it at least when she finished college, or maybe when they were married. There were too many thoughts running through her head, and she suddenly remembered it wasn't just the two of them in the room, her eyes darting to Dr. Galen, who was watching with genuine curiosity. "[b]I'll admit that's the best reaction I've seen in some time, you're very lucky, Evangeline,[/b]" He chuckled, closing her chart. "[b]Still, you're very delicate right now. Your injury should heal up nicely, but I'd like to see your iron levels improve before I'm comfortable discharging you. I'll come back in a while and give the two of you some privacy.[/b]" He nodded at Arthur approvingly, and as he left, he gave the pair a smile. "[b]They get younger and younger these days.[/b]" He commented as the door closed behind him. Once they were alone, Eva looked at Arthur, her eyes searching his. "[color=pink]I'm sorry, Arthur,[/color]" She apologized, squeezing his hand. "[color=pink]I feel like all I've ever done is drag you down. First getting kicked out, now this. I...won't blame you if you walk away,[/color]" She found herself saying despite every fiber of her being screaming at her to shut up. But she had to give him an out, it wasn't fair to him that she kept putting him into these situations. "[color=pink]I don't want you to think you're stuck or trapped. You can go whenever you want, I promise. I won't get mad or hold it against you.[/color]" [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]