Meesei gave a grunt and crossed her arms. "Hmph, I suppose politicians are just as short-sighted in the Dominion as they are everywhere else. To fail against Vile is to fail in the goals they have been working towards for the past two centuries. Regardless, I have done all I can. We will get the support they are willing to give, and we will use it to the greatest effect we can. If Teroiah is as competent of a commander as she is a mage, then she will be an asset. Regardless of what she thinks of me, the Empire, or lycanthropes, she is not going to let herself get killed in Oblivion, so she will carry out her professional duties to the best of her abilities. For, if nothing else, her own sake." Meesei elected not to share that she had a conversation out of time with Siloune, at least not with Marod present. He was already aware she had such an ability, but there was no advantage with sharing the details of her private conversation with Siloune. If what Meesei had said and done had indeed influenced her, then they would see the benefits regardless of any action by the Empire. "All that matters now is making our final preparations for the invasion." Meesei continued. "Any other political matters can wait until after Vile's defeat."