[@jakeb1993] Doness EDIT: changed some stuff, totally forgot they were in hs lol [hider=Melody] [center] [color=indianred][h1]Melody Shadid[/h1][/color][hr] [img]https://stylist-assets.imgix.net/app/uploads/2018/06/19105920/jameela_stylistuk_060618_00018_f-1300x867.jpg?w=1640&h=1&fit=max&auto=format%2Ccompress[/img][hr] [i]"It's really not that hard to stay positive all the time, after all life is like an exhilarating rollercoaster ride. "[/i][hr] [/center] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Bisexual [hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/1c731b52ddb1efa1845fc0eac1110464/tumblr_inline_ogpppnWVje1txmes7_250.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/67bb0d7b83636db101135ede1f473dab/tumblr_inline_ogpqm02ls71txmes7_250.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a0426fea888f8772b789cbce4c629fd8/tumblr_inline_ogpprbuIwF1txmes7_250.gif[/img][color=indianred][h1]Personality[/h1][/color][hr][/center] [b]Positive Traits:[/b] [indent]* Generally perceived as a typical ditzy, snobbish rich girl, but is actually a very approachable person. Melody always has her heart in the right place and always gets her way to help those she is very close to. *A positive person who always keeps an optimistic view of the world, even in the most obvious moments of failure, she tries her hardest to keep pushing through, always with an optimistic cherry painted smile. * Melody's outgoing personality and confidence made it easier for her to make friends and also achieve her own personal goals, such as getting and growing her own perfume brand out of her own wits and pockets. * Passionate intrepid and strong willed, she is quite good at taking risks. [/indent] [b]Negative Traits:[/b] [indent]* Inexperienced and dependent, all her life living like a princess, Melody may have little to no experience when dealing with the raw, ugly 'realness' of real life. Her extreme optimism and positivity would sometimes mistaken her for being delusional. * Impulsive, overly passionate and could get quickly off track when a certain idea comes to mind ruining anything planned way beforehand. * Though no way near an idiot, Melody is quite slow reading people emotionally or internally, and only base on the superficial aspects. She wouldn't know a person's true intention from social cues alone, because of that sometimes she's really easy to fool. * Though calm most of the time, when snapped, she gets really agressive. Like personal, WWE style agressive. [/indent] [b]Likes:[/b] [indent]* Fashion/dressing up * Making friends and connections * People with a good sense of humor * Contemporary art * Musicals * Afternoon teas * Gardening * Winning! (an argument and in life) [/indent] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [indent]* Isolation * Being devoid of any social activity * Greedy people * Mosquitos * Swimming (fear of open water) [/indent] [hr] [center] Extroverted [b]1[/b] Introverted Lazy [b]8[/b] Active Greedy [b]7[/b] Generous Sensing [b]8[/b] Intuition Shy [b]10[/b] Outgoing Sarcastic [b]10[/b] Silly Thinker [b]6[/b] Feeler Sloppy [b]4[/b] Neat Clumsy [b]9[/b] Graceful Judging [b]7[/b] Perceiving Hotheaded [b]7[/b] Calm Lifeless [b]9[/b] Energetic Grouchy [b]10[/b] Nice Passive [b]10[/b] Aggressive Low-Self Esteem [b]10[/b] Confident Serious [b]6[/b] Playful Sensitive [b]3[/b] Unemotional Absent Minded [b]8[/b] Focused Naive [b]2[/b] Experienced Easy-Going [b]3[/b] Hard-Headed Clueless [b]2[/b] Observant Childish [b]5[/b] Mature Weak [b]7[/b] Strong Safe [b]10[/b] Risk-Taker Coward [b]7[/b] Brave Nondrinker [b]8[/b] Alcoholic Good [b]2[/b] Evil Idiot [b]6[/b] Genius Un-flirty [b]7[/b] Flirty Perverted [b]6[/b] Unperverted Un-creative [b]10[/b] Creative Sexual [b]5[/b] Pure Disloyal [b]5[/b] Loyal Negative [b]10[/b] Positive Unromantic [b]7[/b] Hopeless-Romantic Envious [b]4[/b] Satisfied [/center] [hr] [center][img]https://am21.akamaized.net/tms/cnt/uploads/2018/01/jameela-jamil.gif[/img][color=indianred][h1]History[/h1][/color][hr][/center] [hr] [b]Family Members:[/b] [center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/1z23vqt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/w16v5k.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2vn5a8w.jpg[/IMG][/center] [indent][b][b] Benedict Shadid[/b]| Father| 63 [b] Anjali Shadid[/b]| Mother | 60 [b] Elijah Shadid[/b] | Brother | 32 [/b][/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent] Though living in the US for the last 6 years, Melody in blood and soul is a true Londoner. Even kept the accent. When she was 12 her family decided to migrate to Calif, due to business related reasons and she was then enrolled in a private middle school. Initially like any other young foreigner living in a new country, she had a hard time fitting in. But her bubbly personality had easily won her friends, and of course it helps to know that your parents are rich Philantrophist business owners. Not even realising that most of these so called friends was in it for her money, it came to the point that Melody was unwittingly buying her friends. By the time she was a highschooler in Pinewood, news of her brother who was on a medical mission out of their family's charity in Iraq went missing. Everyone suspected that the war might have held him captive or worst, killed. It's been almost a year without any good news, Melody was mostly blaming her parents for sending him off without even thinking of their own son's safety. Because of this she slightly detested her family's lack of concern for him, and is starting to feel quite doubtful of their goals. Not trying to sound selfish or anything but she herself sees that they may be giving away too much of what they can offer, out of sincerity or media appearance it did not matter to her. For the past months she was rather distant of her parents, trying her best to be as independent as she can, even making her own perfume brand which she shamelessly sell from door to door. It's a challenge , but she's getting by and loving it. After graduating, Mel hopes she could take a degree in marketing and make her own mark in the world, by her own if possible. The adventures ahead keeps her on her toes. [/indent] [/hider]