12D sprinted through the halls and climbed up onto the support beams trying to see what was going on, as the enemies were firing at her team down below she had quietly sneaked on to the higher area, she then scanned the room, but her sensors weren't functioning as well as they were since the internal syncing wasn't fully finished. She realised this and fished out her pod. "[color=gray]Pod, scan the room and the percentage of hitting each shot.[/color]" Said 12D as she pulled out her rifle and started scanning the room through the scope. "[i]Intialising... 97% on bot #7291, 87% on bot #9912, proposal: neutralise bot #7291 first then #9912, afterwards join your allies.[/i]" Said the pod as it zoomed back in her pocket. "[color=gray]That's what I want to hear, you being useful again.[/color]" 12D stated as she aimed for bot #7291. She took the shot straight through it's power core, then moved on to bot #9912 and took out it's power core as well, of course that got the bots to start scanning the room, and the moment they saw her perched up there, one of the bots took a shot. The bullet clipped 12D on the forearm as she dropped down. She looked at her forearm to see blue dripping from the wound, the liquid was the android's self regulating fluid, but it's often known as blue blood across the universe. (Blue blood is a compound vital to the functioning of all androids, circulating energy and electrical information throughout the machine's 'body'.) She wiped it off and ripped a piece of cloth off her shirt to cover it up so that it would stop dripping everywhere. "[color=gray]You guys doing alright here? Apologies for being late, internal syncing was going on.[/color]" 12D mentioned as she hid behind some cover.