[@Altered Tundra] Originally, I wasn't really digging it, but I liked the song more and more as it went on. I found the lyrics very relatable, and the video helped me append more meaning to it. I really liked that part, but I found the instrumentals very overwhelming, and the way they were mixed made it sound really flat. I think this song would have benefited from a more solemn approach to it than that mishmash of sounds and distortion effects, not to mention how much they drowned out the vocals. I almost couldn't understand what he was saying, and really, the instrumentals in general dragged the whole thing down in my opinion, but I'll take it for what it is. 6.8/10 (with the stipulation that better instrumentals would have brought it up a whole point). I happened across this song while perusing the Night in the Woods subreddit (fantastic fucking game, by the way), and this song not only captures the feel of the game pretty well, but is also animated by the lead artist for the game. If you know the game I'm talking about, you'll immediately recognize the art style. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35235rr3WQs[/youtube]