[center][img]http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/Melz00r/test_zpstrx3dnuo.png[/img][/center] Today was the day, an important day. Not his day, no, he was simply a very important bystander. It was his good friend Darien who took center stage today. Leo had to admit his friend looked absolutely dashing in that tuxedo, a groom no girl would be able to refuse. Daphne, the bride, had taken most of the spotlight, however. How long had it been since he had seen her, anyway? He could not remember. That wasn’t important right now. What was important was that that everything was falling apart. The earth shook with violence, gouts with flame erupted from the earth and surrounded them all, swallowing the venue with the a gluttonous speed no fire should ever reach. There was panic and screams and destruction. Groomsmen and bridesmaids alike were swallowed by the ravaging chaos made flame. Leo ran to the exit of what could only be described as the wedding venue of hell. The heat scorched his back, burned away his shirt to a crisp, and just before his hand reached the door the flames caught his leg – quite literally, in fact, with a hand seemingly made of pure fire. He fell to the ground and the burning inferno loomed over him, forming a face. It was the face of – Finally his alarm clock decided to relieve him of this nightmare. Just a dream, of course it was. After all, the grand event was still a few days away. The flight ticket lay next to his phone, which was still beeping in the most annoying fashion. He took the item from his desk, turned off the alarm and checked the time. Time to get ready, he had to get to Vegas today. Leo wondered if Christopher was already flying. He was going there with Grace, wasn’t he? How long had it been since he had seen Grace anyway? Luckily Leo had a much shorter flight coming to him. The young entrepreneur had a comfortable stay in Austin for the last few days. Luckily he had been able to plan his business trip to his newest acquisition – another medical tech startup - just before his trip to Vegas itself. A shower, dress-up and breakfast later Leo checked out and drove his rental car to the airport. From there it was just the same standard procedure. Handing in the keys, checking in, having your privates invaded by security and finally topping it off by waiting an hour for that goddamn plane. At least he was flying business class, what else? And he had to admit, these flights actually had fairly decent lunches, and halfway decent champagne. Breathing Nevada air after a predictably uneventful flight, he got into an uber and was on his way to the resort. From what he had seen on their website, at least that looked to suit his tastes. He turned his phone on (something he had forgotten after he left the plane), intent on checking the site again, but instead he saw a dozen of missed calls. Leo Sighed. [color=silver]”I had told you I was flying today.”[/color] Was the first thing he barked out when Adam, a business associate of his, picked up. [color=silver]”Yes, Austin time, you idiot. Don’t tell me counting back two hours is too difficult for you.”[/color] He said with an irritated sigh. He didn’t have the patience for idiots today. [color=silver]”Yes, of course I secured the deal. Their patent is ours now. So tell R&D to roll out the prototype. No delays, this time. They’ve had enough time while we dealt with the patents. No, he gets his vacation [i]after[/i] we’re done with this. I discussed this with him already. Tell him the next time he tries this, he’s out on the streets. ”[/color] The uber driver did look somewhat uncomfortable hearing this conversation. [color=silver]”No, Adam, we cannot cut him some slack. Every day without the product we’re losing opportunity costs. Millions, Adam. Tell the guy he gets a week extra after he’s done… if it works.”[/color] And with that he simply ended the call. There was indeed only one way about this, and it involved an iron fist. At arrival the Uber driver looked overjoyed to quickly unload his suitcase and get the hell out of there. Leo wondered why. Regardless, he focussed his attention to the Seara resort. Yes, he could see this place definitely had class. He wondered if Darien’s wife-to-be had finally gained even a sliver of that. Leo was going to do Darien a favour, and keep that opinion to himself.