Notes of defiance, beheld by the galloping ears above the worms, almost of contempt, rang in approaching howls, as if beckoned by the hissing forest to welcome their quarry to Barovia. The marching faction’s guide halted, peering into the whistling brush, as a once distracted mongrel, dire for blood and gore, masticated sinew off aged flesh, now wailing, in between bites, to hail his brethren. Growls, then fanged fur, disrespectfully and quickly surrounded the quintet, besieged by the promise of stifled sport. Several murders of crows soon flocked to the enveloped trees, lingering on faded sycamore branches in hopes to not only spectate the potential massacre but secure any taxed carrion. Markus barked, [color=598527]“To arms. To the gates.”[/color] A shimmering sword emerged from a hidden scabbard as the insects beneath him accelerated their sprinting rumble. [Hider=Mechanics] [url=]Map - Gates of Barovia[/url] [u]Initiative[/u] The Unnamable - 22 Dire Wolf 1 – 21 Dire Wolf 3 – 19 Dire Wolf 4 and 5 – 18 Dire Wolf 2 – 17 Markus - 14 Talran - 13 Egil - 10 Mhyrienne - 9 Zaerith - 6 [/Hider]