[hr][center][@Hekazu] [color=tan]The Unnamable[/color][/center][hr]To the gates. Yes. Getting surrounded was no good, that much anyone could tell. With the guide showing clear intention of moving in accordance to their own suggestion, George's handler encouraged his horse to run as fast as it could. Middle of the enemy was no location to be in. The hoof-beats of the horse diverged to the left as its rider sought the path of least resistance. Be it there was a tree, trees did not bite like large wolves did. But only moving onward was not the plan here. They needed to give the enemy something to discourage them from following, be it the wild animals could well be rabid enough to not understand what was good for them if it introduced itself politely. No, the first thing they would do was likely an attempt at eating it. But a generous application of a blunt instrument often made the beast conduct itself in a civilised manner. Now the tool of harm might be different, but the message would remain. A superior mind would meet that of the lesser creature, as the rider upon the swarming puppet of an animal would focus on the act of harming the wolf through force of will alone. The mental might crashed against that of the dire beast, knowledge alien to its simple mind forcing itself into its thoughts. He had acted. It was now the time for others to do the same. [Hider=Mechanics] As a bonus action, the Unnamable shifts his Psionic Focus onto [b]Psychic Assault[/b], adding an additional +2 damage to any Psionic Talents that deal psychic damage (such as [b]Mind Thrust[/b]). He commands the horse to dash at a speed of 100 feet and rushes for the gates as suggested by their guide, using his action to assail Dire Wolf 1 with [b]Mind Thrust[/b]. The attack roll came up as 22, and the damage dealt would be 9. [/Hider] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442948890753368075/454884761056313344/unknown.png]Round 1 - The Unnamable[/url]