[hr][center][@BCTheEntity] [color=deepskyblue]Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin[/color][/center][hr]Drat and blast, wolves! They were utterly surrounded, and the things moved fast too. Before Talran could so much as unsheathe his weapon, they'd pulled in to engage the whole group - other than the puppet-bearing ally, whose steed dashed forth beyond the wolf blocking their path, though it seemed he'd not left without somehow wounding one of the biggest wolves in the pack. Magic, of a sort? It'd make sense, knowing what Talran did of the man's mindset. Not that it prevented the wolf or its ally from making its attack against Markus and his steed, discorporating the creature back to maggots and leaving Markus stunned and ravaged on the ground, with clear, serious wounds. Even as he worried for Markus, a mere glance around himself proved that they were otherwise in decent standing - of the other wolves, one had failed to bite into the more aggressive of the troupe, whilst the other two had fallen from the cliffs, one knocking itself unconscious entirely in the process. What courteous fate, indeed. With nary a question in his mind, Talran wheeled his steed about and sallied forth to Markus' aid despite his orders otherwise, raising his shield as he did so and calling forth a divine Sanctuary upon Markus, to shield him from further harm by the beasts. With the man so protected, Talran chose a somewhat counter-intuitive option: steering to Markus' left, rather than the more wolf-laden right, gave him leave to strike at the wolf who had so adriotly evaded Markus' initial blow, an option he took even as his steed remained ready to shy away should the beast make an attack in its direction, whilst in turn leaving Talran ready to defend Markus if an attack made its way through the Sanctuary's bounds to strike him. [hr][center][@Gordian Nought] [color=navajowhite]Egil[/color][/center][hr]The integrated assembly of howls manufactured a muffed strike against the dire wolf afore him. The revolving fighter smirked, nonetheless savoring the wasted exploit as his boots dug deeply into the grassy gathering, realizing that the roles of predator and prey were still being arbitrated. Egil subpoenaed a jury of recoil, continuing his swing to glance upon the warlock and trickster. Quickly, the fetor of mustered fur plumed again in his sight, enduring now the verdict of a lupine gavel, growling and sneering at the impending decrees from the mob amassed behind the champion.[hr] [Hider=Mechanics] Talran moves to Markus' aid, riding twenty feet to the immediate left of Markus on the map, ending movement below Dire Wolf 1 whilst avoiding Dire Wolf 2's AoO range, with the mount's Dodge action used to impose disadvantage on attacks against it and make Dexterity saving throws with advantage. As he moves, Talran casts Sanctuary on Markus as a bonus action, requiring a Wisdom saving throw of 13 to make an attack against Markus for the next minute, or until Markus himself makes an attack or casts a spell. Talran also makes a melee attack against Dire Wolf 1, the attack roll coming up as 11, and dealing 8 damage if he hits. Finally, with a reaction free, Talran will use his Fighting Style: Protection ability to impose disadvantage on the first attack against Markus that breaks through the Sanctuary's protection. Egil remains stationary and misses.[/Hider] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442948890753368075/455098948886069268/unknown.png]Round 1 - Talran and Egil[/url]