[hr][center][@Lady Selune] [color=darkmagenta]Mhyrienne – The Mildly Suspicious[/color][/center][hr]Wolves. Wonderful. Howling masses of fangs and fur. She watched as her companions spurred on their steeds and did the same thing, trying to ignore the peril the others were in. Still, the creatures needed to be dealt with. Talran and Markus were engaging two of the beasts, with a third looking to join in on the fray. That would be problematic. Her steed ran next to the armored non-human, and as she passed she made a split second decision. Magic, not a blade. Her coattails swept by, and she made a chopping motion with her hand. A burst of blueish-purple light shot out from her hands, directed towards the creature that had already been hit and that seemed the greatest threat. Unlike Talran, she continued to ride by- if another pass was desperately needed, she could turn the horse around without issue. [Hider=Mechanics] Mhyrienne moves thirty feet directly in front of her and casts eldritch blast at the wolf in front of both Talran and Markus as she rides by, potentially provoking an AoO. Thanks to agonising blast, she receives a +3 to her damage roll on the wolf should her attack of 10 hit, and it would deal 6 damage.[/Hider] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442949249068433409/456429115310997514/unknown.png]Round 1 - Mhyrienne[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442949249068433409/456429480571830273/unknown.png]Raven's Eye View[/url]