[hr][center][@BCTheEntity] [color=deepskyblue]Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin[/color][/center][hr]Tenacious beasts, these. And plenty dangerous enough to harm his companions - though they largely missed their opportunity to wound, one did succeed in injuring the elven lady to one side of him, though only after the dramatic arrival of a newcomer to the fray. Another spellcaster, as it happened. With three people now explicitly aiming to strike down the apparent pack leader, Talran felt safe in coming to her aid, though rather than explicitly forcing his protection upon her, he wondered at a different, more flexible tactic - moving around the body of the recently-defeated wolf, he had his steed hurry to the opposite side of the wolf nearest its leader, and struck out at its flank, hoping to inflict the blow that would end its threat against the less physically-capable fighter, or if not, giving her ample opportunity to do so in her own right. In doing this, he reckoned he'd be in prime position to rush to the aid of whoever else required it as appropriate. [hr][center][@Gordian Nought] [color=navajowhite]Egil[/color][/center][hr]The alpha teased by his younger brother’s yelp with expiry notes of murder as the paladin purchased his target with steel. Drawing low to high once more with his gesturing hand, Egil tugged on the reins to maneuver upon the elder wolf’s flank. Then the outstretched blade, where it glinted delicately in the subdued Barovian light, struck the monstrosity, with the flat of his sword, hoping to bluntly conquer the crazed animal. Its arrival upon the writhing form of a hound, coating it briefly in its own bloody rime, left the atrocity standing. [i][b]Melting.[/b][/i] As if the hide promised to erupt soon from a Vesuvius center. [Hider=Mechanics] Talran rides around to the backside of Dire Wolf 3, positioning himself directly on its opposite side compared to Mhyrienne in order to flank it, then uses his action to attack it with advantage. His attack roll is 15, and the damage on hit is 7. His mount will once again use the Dodge action, as neither Talran nor steed inflict an AoO simply by moving around within its reach. Egil rolls a natural 20, but deals only 4 damage. The alpha is becoming slowly unrecognizable.[/Hider] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442949249068433409/457905663406899211/unknown.png]Round 3 - Talran and Egil[/url]