[hr][center][@Lady Selune] [color=darkmagenta]Mhyrienne – The Mildly Suspicious[/color][/center][hr]Damn these wolves! It was rare she had seen a creature withstand a single one of her bolts and survive, let alone withstand a bolt and not even flinch. Squeezing the flanks of her strange steed, she looked at the wolf that... Honestly, could be classified as more raw meat, and closed her eyes. A heartbeat passed, and she hooked a thumb into a throwing knife at her belt. In one smooth motion, she flicked her hand up and sent the dagger spinning towards the wolf... Only for it to miss and harmlessly bounce off the dirt a foot and a half away from the creature. What was wrong with her today? First the bolts, then the dagger. She scowled inwardly. She would need that dagger back, and made a mental note as to where it was. [Hider=Mechanics]Mhyrienne fucking misses a dagger because the dice gods hate her.[/Hider] [hr][center][@Zverda] [color=thistle]Anala Attor[/color][/center][hr]The howl of the wolf seemed poorly timed indeed as the figure above attempted to strike down the noisy beast with a bolt of fire. As she readied herself, a bow of flame in her hand, Rogath let out a noise of ill content and began to prance a bit as his ears pinned back against his head. [color=thistle]"Rogath, what are you doing?"[/color] she hissed between clenched teeth as she lost her grip on the arrow and watched as it sailed over the wolf and landed harmlessly behind it before disappearing in a plume of dark smoke, [color=thistle]"I was so close, what are you doing prancing around like this?"[/color] [Hider=Mechanics]Tried to Firebolt a Wolf... horsey got unhappy with the howl and made it miss. Sad sad day to get an eight on an attack roll wouldn't you say?[/Hider]