[hr][center][@Gordian Nought] [color=darkmagenta]Mhyrienne – The Mildly Suspicious[/color][/center][hr]The ravens remained. They gawked and hooted, despite the unveiled monstrosity’s frenzied scream harmonizing with the apparent chaos all around. The trees’ fowl instead embraced the branches as bleachers, leaning and flapping, eager to witness on the feverish spectacle. The whistles swelled in cheer, unbeknownst to those below, for which team the rooting crescendos intended. It was odd to Mhyrienne. No matter. There was no more time to waste. Her fingers soon writhed into recursive sadistic smiles, curdling onto a magical couplet, like chopped kindling amidst the beginning of an unquenchable fire. The palmed Eldritch crusade quickly wrought onto a congealed angst, prophetic in pain and practice, then lobbed upon the Howler’s discarded flesh. With the following snap of her downward thumb, an additional curse whispered upon the wailing beast, vexing another insult to injury. Before her eyes could enjoy the fermented torment, she ferried away from the fallen hounds strewn all about her, byproducts of the prior ambush gone sour. The elf soon met the reckless safety of the brush crawling slothfully along the crags of the circumscribing cliff-side, hugging and cuddling the jagged precipice which earlier held the mysterious mage, above hurling bolts of fire. Friend or foe? The angle would prohibit the warlock from being such an easy target, if the enemy indeed also had higher ground. [Hider=Mechanics]Mhyrienne casts Agonizing Blast and Hex on the Howler (14 damage total), targeting Wisdom. She moves into ½ cover, obscured by the surrounding foliage.[/Hider] [hr][center][@Zverda] [color=thistle]Anala Attor[/color][/center][hr]The sound of the howler's voice set the woman and her horse on edge, Rogath prancing slightly as if he was getting ready to bolt, but she patted the horse into stillness. [color=thistle]"ithquent di marfedelom, si, dout ibleua katima relgric ekik ekess wux. majak ve wer vers ekess svent nomeno irlym."[/color] the figure called out, the movement of her arms arcing into a circle as a dark green orb appeared before her, the gem upon her throat resonating with a matching color. With an almost comically small push, the orb sped towards the Howler, enveloping it in its swirling mass before winking out of existence. At first, it seemed as if her spell had done nothing, but then the monstrosity began to howl in agony. There were no visible signs of what was happening at first, the beast left to writhe on the ground before it began to foam at the mouth, the color black and foul smelling. In the Howler's last moments of life, it let out a howl that was soon cut off by a rather violent spray of blood from its mouth, buts of liquefied organs mixed in with the naturally grainy texture. Sadly, it seemed that Egil and Talran were given the express honor of wearing what was being evacuated from the creatures body, the smell horrendous and the texture like coffee grounds left out to rot. Back up on the cliff, the manservant was still standing next to his Master, offering their tea cup back to them yet again. [b]"Well done M'Lady,"[/b] he said with a nod of his balding head, [b]"What a spectacular finish. Not as explosive as your usual methods, but still messy."[/b] [Hider=End of Combat - Mhyrienne and Anala]Anala rolls w/ disadvantage (due to failed Wisdom Saving Throw), lowest being a 16. Casts Poisoned Chromatic Orb at the Howler and removes it's remaining HP with a spectacular 23 damage... it proceeds to have its organs liquefied and spewed on those unlucky enough to be close by. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442949249068433409/460642941539450900/unknown.png[/img] [/Hider]