[hr][center][@Hekazu] [color=tan]The Unnamable[/color][/center][hr]Confusion spread on the puppeteer's face as many of the people waited to say their piece. Were they afraid? This new acquaintance had, after all, been on their side. The man tore his eyes away from her regal figure, only for them to accidentally land on something on the ground that the approaching warrior almost stepped on. The warrior that now smelled worse than him. And in the man's time here, they had been referred to as a smelly bum quite a few times. Surely that could not be exactly accurate? But they had not seen the truth in his home, nor did they open their eyes to it in here. What could [i]they[/i] know... The conglomeration of bugs that was the man's steed took a few steps forward due to the guidance of its temporary master. It was far from the graceful animal that the newcomer had presented with herself, but it was a mount nonetheless. Approaching the scrap on the ground confirmed that it was indeed something important, and the hunched figure on horseback slid away from his 'saddle', taking a few cautious steps even closer. [color=tan]"Oh look George! A discovery!"[/color] an enthusiastic declaration was made. The puppet picked the letter from the ground in its two hands and held it before the man's face for closer inspection. [color=tan]"Ah",[/color] the puppeteer would comment, stuffing the letter under his coat for now, and starting to climb back on horseback. The others could not leave without George. They wouldn't get anywhere in this realm without a bit of guidance. [hr][center][@BCTheEntity] [color=deepskyblue]Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin[/color][/center][hr]Talran was no stranger to fear. He'd been pricked by its terrorising lance many a time as a child, and in the time of his apprenticeship to a master, he'd experienced fear many times. Yet, having done so, he had been inured to it, forged into a stalwart barrier against its probing tendrils, and so despite the primal urge of flee that surged from the depths of his being as the demon before him shrieked, revealing its many teeth and the depths of its maw, he stood his ground, grit his teeth, and endured that sensation, more than ready to strike out at the fiend before him. Before he could, the thing perished in most gruesome fashion. An orb of something was hurled at it and struck true, leaving it apparently intact... before it howled with pain, collapsing and foaming at the mouth, a mixture of saliva and what was likely ichor. This, unfortunately, was all the warning he got before its final scream was cut off as the creature threw up its own foul insides, all over both him and the man he'd intended to protect; he barely even had time to screw his mouth and eyes shut before the vile mixture splattered him - and Gods above, it smelled as disgusting as it looked! He barely kept his dinner in, despite himself. Once he'd quelled his gagging, and Talran was able to wipe the vile goo off his face and start breathing through his mouth, he blinked at the remains of the creature that lay before him. He was sure he'd seen it around before, but despite that, he could find no correlation to anything he'd ever seen before. Perhaps the malformation of its figure after... well, best not to keep lingering on that matter. More pertinently, a newcomer approached. A rich, perhaps noble woman, a matter that her loyal manservant's presence confirmed. Ascertaining that nobody was in dire need of assistance quite yet, Talran approached her, albeit a mite unsteadily, and waved appreciatively from a comfortable distance off. [color=deepskyblue]'Madam, it's good to see a friendly face round these parts,'[/color] Talran called, smiling despite his situation. [color=deepskyblue]'And might I say, you are clearly blessed with potent magical ability? If it's no trouble, might I ask the name of she who has slain this demon so thoroughly?'[/color] [hr][center][@Gordian Nought] [color=navajowhite]Egil[/color][/center][hr]The fighter approached the assembled throng around the regal rider, leaving the elf to lurk in the shadows, just as the daft puppet lifted a sealed parchment from the soiled brush. The talented handler impressed Egil; it seemed George possessed a mind. [i]Of his own. So to speak.[/i] He soon returned to the body, recalling his task to rummage through the corpse, flipping the body sunny side up, looking for wounds and displaying the rigor mortis of facial fear in the full misty light. [color=navajowhite]"This man has been dead for a while. I can't tell though. The wolves must have just found him."[/color][hr]