Kinoko had her gaze upon the clone army, and the only response she visually gave was a narrow of her eyes, before bringing her fists to her sides, and gradually allowing Ki to flow through her body, until she charged towards the army with her brothers, and “sister”, who silently reminded them to not harm the weakest clone she had managed to point out. Punches, kicks, grabs, and dodges were performed throughout the assault, and Kinoko put every ounce of strength in her strikes against their assailants. There was even an instant where she managed to send a punch straight through the stomach of one of the clones, who, no doubt, died immediately, from the powerful harnessing willpower of the Saiyan princess; anyone opposing her or her allies were on her mental-list for termination. Kinoko dodged the strikes from another clone with multiple uses of afterimage, before having to do some back-handsprings to evade her attacker. Eventually, she came to a stop, only to set her sights on her target, once again, while levitating on the spot. Her hair turning gold, transforming to Super Saiyan 2, Kinoko sent a punch to its stomach, a knee to the chest, and finally, a kick to the jaw, which sent him flying. Afterwards, she launched a huge blast of Ki towards him, obliterating him. [i]’Who’s next?’[/i], she mentally thought, with a smirk, before a group flew towards her. Hearing the clones laugh, the female Saiyan smirked. “Glad to hear that it’s helping you”, she said almost mockingly; the aggression lingering in her voice. “Allow me to show you its greatest weakness”, the princess allowed them to fly over, before letting out a huge wave of Ki from her body with a shout, radiating her assailants, and leaving no trace behind. Her attention was then diverted towards the forest where a giant blue blast engulfed the entire area, and worry creeped up on her, as her eyes widened. [i]’Kitsu...’[/i], she thought, before flying towards the source.