Ah, thank you! I'm glad you liked it. That makes me happy. <3 EDIT: Reworking my advice on the subject. :P I located a [url=http://www.springhole.net/writing/better-tragic-and-traumatic-backstories.htm]couple[/url] [url=https://articleshaveauthors.weebly.com/blog/how-to-avoid-the-cliche-backstory]articles[/url] on the subject. Tragic backstories are awesome. Cliched, perhaps, but there's a reason they're so popular. Listing to how a character overcame challenges in their lives can be really inspiring, and they offer fertile material for growth and characterization. There are a few questions to consider when writing a tragic backstory. 1. [u]Why?[/u] What function does the tragic backstory serve for the plot? For characters like Batman, its primary purpose is to explain why the hero became a hero. For other characters, it serves as a hook for character development, like with Mei in the anime Say I Love You. Her tragic backstory involving friends betraying her gave significance to the otherwise ordinary experience of making new friends. Avoid using it as an excuse for the character, unless the point is for them to overcome that. 2. [u]How bad?[/u] While it can be sadistic fun to inflict as much pain on your character as possible, overdoing it can be unhealthy for both you and the character. I made that mistake with Gwen Valentine, and my sister has been mocking me for it ever since. Only inflict enough pain to get the results you need. If you're making a villain, sure, pile on the hurt, but if you're making a hero, prepare to write a really messed-up character, because severe tragedy can have a profound effect on people. I'm not knocking that; messed-up people can be fun to write. 3. [u]Believable?[/u] In our story, the people in the Crescent Empire generally live free, happy, healthy lives, while the people in the Terran Empire generally live oppressed, sad, and difficult lives. No place is utopian, but it would be harder to believe that a Crescent-born citizen had a crazy tragic backstory than a Terran-born citizen.