[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y3gKnvz.gif[/img][/center] [indent][indent]Unlike his fellow guests, Christopher’s night was spent… doing nothing. There was nothing to pack in haste, nor was he feeling any travelling jitters as he had the best partner he could ask for travelling with him to Nevada the following day. He wondered whether he should send a message to Grace, to remind her to pack plenty of sunscreen for herself and her partner, but a quick look at the clock on the wall reminded him it was far too late for any friendly chat. Then what can he do? It was late enough that sleep was a viable option. But why couldn't he sleep? Well. Christopher was well aware why, and he almost wished that he'd left the packing till tonight so he would have more time to... [i]not think.[/i] To hear Darien would be the first out of his admittedly too large circle of friends was not much of a surprise. Everybody knew that the gentle giant would find his perfect match first, but was he Daphne Seara's perfect match? Christopher could not comment. Sleep eluded him, much to his dismay. By the time Christopher had drunk his weight in coffee, it was time for him to take the cab to the airport. A quick scan of his mental checklist reminded him that he had everything he needed to avoid an unfortunate situation. With absolute certainty, Christopher climbed into his cab ride. At the airport, Christopher quickly reminded himself of the plan. With Leonard out of town for his business venture, Christopher and Grace were left to travel together from JFK to McCarren airport this morning, with Grace's boyfriend, Tristan, joining the wedding party that following Saturday for the rehearsal dinner. Christopher first waited beside security, watching time and passengers pass by him but no sign of the one he wanted to see. With so little time left, Christopher had no choice but to follow the crowd through security. He kept his phone in hand, watching the pixels on the screen for any sign of a message but there was nothing from the girl in question. He didn't even see Grace even as he waited by the gate despite waiting a little longer and being one of the last to join the queue to board the flight. He shot Grace another message, the final one before he was guilted into turning his cell off with a look from the stewardess. He tapped his foot against the floor, the pace growing faster as the minutes passed. Finally, once he was sure the final call was announced did he see Grace, much to his relief. [color=tan]"You worried me!"[/color] The surgeon chastised, knowing that Grace was expecting such a reaction. [color=tan]"Was there a lot of traffic?"[/color] Grace looked too tired for her to be late because of her sleeping in, not to mention that it wasn't like Grace to sleep in so late. He adjusted his position so he could pull off his neck pillow, giving it to Grace instead as she began to tell him about Tristan. The news made Chris want to hug the poor girl. No wonder she looked so weary. He had plenty of things to say: [color=tan]'Tristan was a horrible person.'[/color] or, [color=tan]'You deserve better'[/color] but none of them seemed to be right. Knowing her, she would rather be comforted than pitied. He extended his arm, allowing Grace to rest her head on his shoulder and quietly sob to herself. With the wedding incoming, Christopher knew that all the lovey-dovey behaviour from the bride and groom was sure to be a painful reminder of her break-up. Arriving at the hotel, Christopher reluctantly let Grace trudge away into her room. The only good news was knowing that Grace's room was right across the hall. Inside his room, Christopher hung his blazers in the wardrobe and put away his toiletries before pulling out something from his bag, wrapped in gift wrap designed with puppy paw prints. He could only hope Grace would appreciate the gift at a time like this. There was only one way to find out! He knocked on Grace's door, checking the gift one more time before-- Oh no. [i]He forgot the bow.[/i] [/indent][/indent]