[@Reflection] with vague ideas I mean like a characteristic (example: energetic), it's more like I have three groups in mind for the students in the academy: the first above all consists of the most powerful student pairs of weapon-meister, then you have the second group that has gained already some kind of power and bond with their partner and last you have the newbies. One by one the pairs of the most powerful group are disappearing. There are rumours that they are on an important, secret mission, rumours that they are kidnapper and so on. After some time, the students from the second group are also disappearing one pair by one. One month later the newbies get an explanation. The fact is that a big threat exists somewhere far away. A lot of powerful pairs were send there, but they didn't survive, didn't send an answer back, just didn't come back or asked for more help. The newbies get three days of preparation before they have to leave too, but they are not alone: some pairs of the second group have yet to leave (the amount of pairs from the second group can be discussed, in my mind it's only one, but it depends on the amount of newbies), but this time they are going together. They travel from city to city to stop the small threats, get information and to rest. Their destination is a big field where the monster is supposed to be hiding. [hr] This is what I had in mind, what do you think?