Tess groggily wakes up to find someone had broken into the bathroom. "The door was locked for a reason. Can't get no fucking privacy in this school. Be glad it was me not someone else I won't report because the bastards wouldn't believe me or they might assume I was the one picking the locks." Tess put her shirt back on & shoved past the girl. "Out of my way I got to get to class." She intentionally ignored the ramblings about being a mutant or Inhuman. As for the last she had no clue what the hell that was. She made her way to her next class Spanish. This class was literally the only one she cared for, the teacher didn't ride her like she was the prized horse about to win the Triple Crown. This was the only class she actually got a decent grade in on purpose, the rest she kept a barely passing grade just so she wouldn't have to do it again. She rubbed her sides. [i]Nothing there, must have been a hallucination. Those fucking bastards got me sick. I'll make them pay for that.[/i]