I agree that he should've stayed dead, given Morrison's entire point in killing him off was to redeem his shitty attitude towards others by sacrificing himself for the greater good in the way his father would if it came down to it, but that's neither here nor there. (Nor a rant that I constantly go into inside of my own head.) [quote=@Bounce]You died the moment you listed Grant Morrison as number 2 on your list. [/quote] Only out of the available options. I just don't like King's run, at the end of the day, while I can cite many examples of issues by the other two that I do like. Though I'm curious as to where your breaking point was. [quote=@Byrd Man] If there were a degree in Batmanology, you know you would be the first doctoral candidate. [/quote] Professor MB, BatMD has a nice ring to it.