[quote=@Eddie Brock] Yeah, my quest to read all 800+ ASM issues petered out in the high 200s, McFarlane years. I'll get back to it someday. Conway-Wolfman-Stern is my definitive Spider-Man era. [/quote] I started out intending to read every Spider-Man publication ever in chronological order. Started out great with Lee's run and Untold Tales of Spider-Man. Petered out with Marvel Team-Up. Now I just skim through Spectacular and wait for something neat to happen in Amazing, lol. There's only so much Stegron the Dinosaur Man and Rocket Racer that I can take. (There's some rogues for ya, [@HenryJonesJr].) [quote=@Lord Wraith] I can totally get behind the Mary-Jane loathing. #TeamGwen [/quote] Blocked and reported.