After school Tess went to a laudromat, she used some of the stolen money to wash her clothes. While she was there she scoped out the contents of the other machines that were left unattended, she stole a few choice items. After collecting her own clothes she headed back to the abandoned & derelict car that she called home. She found four lowlifes hanging around it. Same losers that chased her off before. The leader of the pack approached her. He mouthed off about how she owed them for something or the other. One of the guys grabbed her from behind holding her in place. When the leader was close enough she kicked him square in the jewels. He crumpled to the ground clutching himself. The goons went to check on their leader. He screamed at them to get her. Tess knew something was off she never could kick that hard before. She normally would have ran but she chose to stay and fight. During the fight she produced two stingers. She marveled at their beauty for a second before she had to get them bloody. The first one to attack her with the stingers out got stabbed in the knee, he crumpled to the ground clutching his knee. The second she barely had time to react, she got a cut on her face. She swung out wildly at the knife wielder and took his hand. He ran away screaming. The third grabbed their boss and started to run. She stepped in front of them. "The One without Balls leaves, you stay. We have business to discuss." The One without Balls stumbled out of there.