[quote=@Byrd Man] I feel like you would be little mixed on Grant Morrison because of Damian Wayne. [/quote] Except, in typical Morrison fashion, Damian isn't even his idea. It was Mike W. Barr's from the one-shot Son of the Demon. The only thing Morrison did was dress it up with a different name and he reaps all the credit... even though every element of Damian's backstory is clearly taken from Barr's work. Added to that, Damian is a character whose defining attribute basically makes him completely stagnant. There is no character growth with him. He had a lot of potential for growth and development, and to echo what MB said ending Damian's run with the Heretic story was probably the best route for it. tl;dr Morrison likes to steal from other writers and just re-package shit as though its completely original. Also, I will never forgive him for Cat-Beast.