[color=gray][i][right]Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.[/right] [/i] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img][/center] And when light shines upon the darkness, a greater evil than hate is illuminated. The shrouds of hatred will forever sink into the beings' heart until it is no more. [hr][indent][indent]Long ago before there was fear and tensions among the many demon races - and the many tribes - within the land and the humans with whom they share the vast grasslands and mountains and seas with, there was a form of a truce between the two races. Though they didn’t get along to the point they’d be able to live side-by-side to one another, they had an agreement for which they would stay out of each other’s way. The humans wouldn’t knowingly venture into their territory without any just cause and the demons would not feast upon the humans. It was a great practice in theory. Yes, [i]in theory[/i]. Unfortunately, the demons - specifically their rulers - eventually betrayed the treaty and soon wars between Demonkind and humankind had been declared. Over the years, battles were waged, resulting in over 5000 deaths on both sides. Innocent lives were lost because the anger and fear of both races couldn’t be put on the back burner to fortify something much stronger and effective than pure hatred for one another. And whether or not it was originally intended, the recent attacks from the demon tribes from the north on the humans of Seiki Village - a village that’s just twenty miles of open grass from the home village of one Raiko. Raiko was one of those guys who often got into some trouble when left unsupervised for a certain amount of time. Growing up in the Seiki Village, he was always a troublemaker, though he did have a good heart. There had been moments for Raiko when he had started to feel out of place in Seiki. What bothered him most was that he started to have dreams just about a year ago. They felt strange to him because they had him older and wiser, only he was among the demons. He had no idea why, but there was something so familiar about it. The worst of it all were that these dreams became more frequent and recurring as the days went by. It was only last night did he have a clear picture of what he was experiencing. In a word? Death. Rai stepped out of the hut just outside the village that he lived at and looked south towards the Serpent Mountains. He noticed there was a dark cloud gathering. [color=b5484b]“So, it’s that time already,”[/color] Rai sighed. Whenever dark clouds gathered, it was the universal sign that demons and humans were fighting. Surprisingly, Rai could smell it. The half-demon might not have been able to catch certain things, but the smell of demons within a few miles was so putrid that he had no problem picking it up. It was the strength of the odor that often led him to vomit. But nevermind that, he had a lot more important things to focus on. The black, omnious cloud aside, today was going to be the day that Rai would get Ren back for that prank she failed to fall for yesterday. [i]That[/i] was where his mind was at. [/indent][/indent][/color]