She listened to the both of them talk about star trading for a while before deciding to stop doing so. It was obvious that they both were privileged young men who probably just wanted a degree because their fathers had sent them to do so. If they failed they could still go home to their families and still inherit the family business. If [i]she[/i] failed... Sofie shook her head. She was going to maintain her scholarship, she was not going to fail and then when she finally got out of here she would make a name for herself. She would rise up among all of the other spoiled students and show them that somewhere out there was someone who became a star trader not for a family business but because she had enough abilities to. Sofie would beat them, would make them jealous of [i]her[/i] for a change. All her life she had wanted to be them, live like them, talk like them, have enough power like them but she had knew it was impossible. Now she actually had the chance to. An ear piercing shriek from the mic made Sofie stop her train of thought as she listened to the speaker for a bit. She stopped after a few seconds, choosing instead to check her orientation packet. Trace was spouting nonsense, that only resonated within people like him. It didn't apply to her. When the standing ovation ended she followed the other students out of the stadium, checking her map and the usher ahead of her every so often to make sure she was going in the right direction. As she reached block B, building 2000 she stood outside of it for a moment, admiring the clean, modern architecture and the stream of well dressed students entering it. She let herself give a tense smile and then with a step forward she continued on into the building. She needed to find 2224. As she stepped up to the door she realised it needed some kind of new laser detection smart phone to unlock. She didn't have one. She fiddled around with the scanner for a second, referring to her packet every so often. She needed some sort of AR code, one that was to be sent to her laser detection smart phone, if only she had one. Oh well. She let herself into an app on her phone and typed a few string commands [code]> ar request >~ request activated; enter key? > 1a56g63!74TY9hd!jsiw9289!heichenback >~ key confirmed; location key? > purcellu#"$754 >~ room number? > B2224 >~~ Processing ~~~< >~ accepted.[/code] "Thanks, Moglet" She muttered as she swung the door open. Almost instantly she heard the small scuffling sounds. Someone else was in here with her. Wasn't she supposed to have a single dorm? A hand crept down her boot as she flipped open the Swiss knife, walking silently to where she had heard the noise. Please dear god, she hoped it wasn't Father. Her hands trembled as she thought of Father and she used her other hand to steady it. Sofie nudged the bathroom door open from with her toe and lunged inside.