[hider=Vlath the Voidcaller] Name: Vlath of the Shadowclaw Tribe Gender: Male Age: 150 years old Race: Lycan Alignment Neutral Evil Personality: Vlath is cruel and brutal like many other lycans but also possesses a far greater zeal than most of his kind; befitting of his role as Voidcaller. Despite his cruelty Vlath is fairly diplomatic and cunning, more than happy to make new allies to meet his own ends. He is generally cold and often drifts off during conversations that are not of particular importance to him. Appearance: [hider=Image] [img]http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cult-apothecary-1920x1200.jpg[/img] [/hider] Background: Vlath was chosen to become a Voidweaver at birth,taken from his family to be trained in the various magics and the history of the lycan race, he excels at his studies and after several decades is personally selected by the High Voidcaller (the leader of the lycan race) to serve as one of his potential successors. As the planet the Lycan Covenant had currently been inhabiting began to grow low on resources, the Voidcallers were prepared for the Ceremony of Succession; each of them would be exiled to a random point in the Great Beyond and would be expected to use their own power and cunning to find their way back, the first to return or the only survivor would be deemed the next High Voidcaller and any surviving Voidcallers could expect their power to be torn from their bodies and given to their successful rival. The event would be closely observed by the vast Lycan legions who would take note of the worlds visited by the Voidcallers and often invade them after the Ceremony is complete. For now however Vlath finds himself tumbling through the a portal to some unknown planet. Abilities: Vlath wields powerful void magic capable of tearing rifts in reality itself, summoning nightmarish creatures from the void and tearing the minds of his victims asunder. While Vlath's magic is fueled by sacrifice he is still capable of utilizing basic spells through sheer will power and in a pinch can sacrifice his own life energy or blood to cast spells. Physically Vlath is somewhat imposing, his lycan body making him swift and deadly. However due to decades of exposure to void magic he is somewhat brittle, physically and mentally in some cases. He also has an accute sense of smell and hearing although again exposure to the void has made his vision somewhat blurry and often distorted. [/hider] [hider=Lycans] Species Name: Lycans General Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Evil Average Lifespan: 80 years naturally Unkown with aid of magical enhancement (current record is 1000 years) Physical Appearance: Lycans are large wolf-like humanoids that stand anywhere between 6-8' tall, their hands and feet are clawed and their mouths full of sharp teeth, their fur can vary from black,grey,brown and on rare occasions white, their eyes are naturally green, red or blue but long term exposure to their foul magic causes their eyes to go purple. Government: Feudal Theocracy- the lycans are divided into various casts based on their heritage. All lycans are descended from four ancient tribes. Shadow claw tribe- The tribe was known for it's great devotion to the void gods with it's members often become priests to spread the faith to the other tribes. In the modern lycan covenant these lycans are destined to be Void Weavers,priests of their Gods who wield the terrible energies of the void to perform religious rituals and obliterate enemies, or zealots, holy warriors of the covenant who have undergone countless rituals to turn themselves into living weapons that are immune to pain and will fight until there is nothing left to fight. Blood fang tribe- The tribe was once known for it's mighty warriors and honorable traditions as opposed to to cruelty or bloodlust, raids from this tribe were common until the formation of the covenant. Now this tribe is devoted to war mongering and destruction, thir honorable traditions eradicated over centuries of brutality and war. Lycans born into this tribe serve as the primary fighting force for the covenant and die by the hundreds if not thousands in most battles. Sometimes great leaders will rise above the hordes and lead the Blood Fang caste to victory with far fewer losses and return some of their heritage to them. These leaders usually rise during great wars and mysteriously die when the war is won. Silent paw tribe- The Silent paws were once renowned hunters,shadows in the great forests of Lycholme who fell upon their prey before they even realized they were hunted,their hunts were so successful they would happily share their great bounties with the other tribes during winter in exchange for other goods. The Silentpaw tribe serves a similar role in the modern covenant, they work as spies and assassins during great wars raiding key locations in the dead of night and leaving long before sun rise. They are also known to lead twisted hunts against captives, intentionally releasing them only to have them hunted down over the next few weeks. Due to this and other blood sports the Silent Paw tribe hold many lycans of Silent Paw heritage are given the responsibility of appeasing the blood thirsty masses of the lycan population in times of peace. Goldtooth tribe-Originally a cunning tribe of traders and slavers, the Goldtooth tribe was the most 'peaceful' tribe out of all the old tribes. In the modern day however they have happily shed their old more passive life style and now work with Shadowclaw void weavers to break the will of and enslave new victims. On the battlefield Goldtooth slave drivers lead small forces of slaves who serve as cannon fodder,off the battlefield these slave drivers use their servants to erect monuments to the gods or buildings for the population. They also stills serve their old role in the world as traders of normal goods for the average lycan. Religion: The Void Covenant- The lycan race worship a group of entities beyond the fabric of the universe itself in an unknowable realm they call the void. The lycans know little of these beings and put their faith entirely in the Void Weavers to preach the word of the Void Gods, this leads to the Void Weavers often being held in similar reverence to the God's themselves. The lack of knowledge about the Void Gods is considered a 'Blessed Ignorance' and to ask too many questions is considered heretical, only those who the Void shows favor with is deemed worthy to ponder on the nature of the God's. Void magic is considered such a mark of favor, it is a potent but corrupting form of magic that can be used in various ways from enchanting mundane objects to obliterating objects with bolts of pure void energy. They all share one thing in common however, it requires a sacrifice for such power. Any sacrifice grants void weavers some power, death allows for a quick burst of energy but more long term tributes to the God's can give void weavers associated with the sacrifices a long term boost to their power, this can be anything from a hunt blessed by a void weaver to slowly killing an entire population by destroying their food source. General sacrifices are divided between immediate and gradual sacrifices and willing and unwilling ones. Whether the victim willingly or unwillngly gives a sacrifice is a largely irrelevant but Void Weavers tend to keep track so willing sacrifices (or their associates) may be rewarded later down the line. One phrase lycans are found of shouting to heretics is "[b]Hokum, you're not really a God![/b]" before brutalizing them or entering them into some form of killing game. Technology: The lycans are somewhat primitive in terms of typical technology, roughly being about the equivalent to the mid-medieval era, although through their magic they are capable of feats civilizations would normally need to be space faring for. With large sacrifices the species is capable of opening great portals to new realms or create enchanted weapons stronger than steel. Goals: The lycans use their magic to move from world to world, adding resident species to their covenant or eradicating the race if they do not submit before scouring the planet of it's resources over several decades before moving on when the planet becomes unable to safely support the vast horde. A small legion of lycans will sometimes remain behind to keep the planet in their hands and try to restore some life to it, this often is difficult but when it succeeds provides the covenant with a somewhat stable supply line outside of ruthlessly destroying worlds before moving on. The end goal of the lycan race is to bring their unknowable Gods back into the universe who they believe will reward them with powers beyond comprehension. What this exactly means and how it is achieved is a heated debate amoung Void Weavers even to this day. [/hider]