[quote=@DocTachyon] Superior Spider-Man: (With Spider Gwen's player's permission, of course) An Otto Octavius working for Oscorp, on gene modification. It’s not his passion, but it pays the bills. He develops a spider-mutagen, and is accidentally bitten by one of the dozens he creates, accidentally scattering a handful of them. He finds himself temporarily imbued with spider-like powers, which quickly fade. He seeks to recreate his experiment, often re-infecting himself. For some reason, the mutagen simply refuses to permanently take. He augments his abilities with a spider suit, and seeks out this “Spider-Woman” that has cropped up recently, to attempt to determine why her mutation has persisted where his has not. Vigilante // Greg Saunders: A simple cowboy from the town of Warpath, Texas. About three years ago, violence and gang activity started ramping up, so he dubbed himself vigilante, and with a combination of his lariat, guns, and motorcycle, he set to bring peace to the town of Warpath. This stint was short lived, however, and he quickly found Warpath to in fact be home to a daemonic incursion. While SHIELD was moving in to mop up, the incursion caught Warpath with its pants down, and Vig was right in the firing line. He wound up dead, in Hell, and knee deep in demons. Recently, he’s clawed his way back to the land of the living and is seeking to exact some goddamn justice. If I did this, I’d probably pull in a lot of elements from Ghost Rider and Jonah Hex. Elijah Snow: Owner and operator of the Planetary Organization, created with assistance from Nick Fury and Amanda Waller’s predecessors in the 1950s. Where SHIELD and CADMUS seek to conceal metahumanity from public knowledge, Planetary seeks to catalogue the fantastical mysteries of the world, metahumans included. Currently, he is seeking three other members to fill out his field team. (Technically counts, because Wildstorm is DC now, however loose Planetary’s connection to Wildstorm was...) Dogwelder: Do I need to elaborate? Hawkeye: Ex-SHIELD agent that’s been out of the game for a while now. Just trying to live his life in some goddamn peace, but stuff keeps falling onto his doorstep since metas went public… This version would be heavily inspired by Matt Fraction’s run on the character. [/quote] Superior Spider-Man is definitely a no-go for a Year One setting and Hawkeye is a supporting character, I believe, of Eddie Brock's Cap with his own established history. But the other three are doable. Elijah Snow wouldn't be turned away in a game where Skinner Sweet turned Wolverine into a vampire.