In that case, I assume that the internet, non-perishable food sources, and electricity have been largely invalidated by the cause of the apocalypse. Additionally, I'm going to assume that libraries and greater written bodies of knowledge remain in-tact. Lastly, I assume that medical supplies such as antibiotics are readily available. [list] [*]Michael Perez: 3 (months), Hispanic, healthy. [color=8dc73f]-Healthy child, highly receptive to new information. With the longest perceivable life-span, Michael inherently increases the deadline that humanity has to reestablish itself. His health also directly reflects on his mother's capacity for childcare, and confirms that it is highly unlikely for her to carry any hereditary STDs. Best case scenario leaves Michael with a 60-80~ year lifespan.[/color] [hr] [*]Billy Scott: 10, white, Jewish, intellectual disability (IQ 70), good health, physically strong. [color=8dc73f]-Healthy child, at least somewhat receptive to new information. Intelligent enough to follow simple direction, necessary for labor. An asset, and a further buffer on humanity's remaining time.[/color] [hr] [*]Ms. Perez: 23, Hispanic, Catholic, general education (9th grade), cocktail waitress, prostitute, divorced, has one child (Michael Perez). [color=8dc73f]-Number one candidate for re-population. As mentioned earlier, it is unlikely for her to have any hereditary STDs to speak of. Additionally, she has shown a capacity for child care, and the capability to produce healthy offspring. Although she is unlikely to aid society long-term considering her lack of education, Ms. Perez is likely one of the best examples provided for a caregiver, and birth giver. Her child is present, and will benefit greatly from her presence. She is also very young, making her more receptive to new knowledge than most of her other peers. Absolutely essential.[/color] [hr] [*]Father Mark: 37, white, Catholic, priest, farming background, good health (former college athlete), politically active (civil rights, socially liberal) [color=8dc73f]-Knowledge of farming, and exceptional physical health. Although it is possible that he is unlikely to procreate due to his religion, it may be possible for him to disregard his responsibilities as a priest for the sake of humanity. Especially likely to relate to fellow Catholics, and promote a positive atmosphere for those who share in his religion. Best genes for re-population, and possibly the most compatible candidate for Ms. Perez considering faith.[/color] [hr] [*]Mr. Clark: 51, white, Mormon, mechanical engineer (bachelor's degree), construction consultant, handyman, outdoorsman, has four children (unaccompanied), politically active (anti-black sympathizer). [color=8dc73f]Clark's engineering knowledge is, by and large, far more practical than Mrs Anthoney's field of engineering. Can assist, and educate, in creating practical devices that serve several purposes. Can repair vehicles, create machines to filter water, still have the capacity to work with certain electronics, and create sustainable housing. Long term, his knowledge vastly outweighs his racist beliefs. Additionally, considering those of African American descent from the selection have the least marketable skills in this sample size, his racial alignment is majorly irrelevant. As unfortunate as it is, African Americans will have been extinct in this scenario. Additionally, by the time the African gene shows up again (Possible), Clark will have likely passed away from old age before having the capacity to deal any damage to the minds of the youth. Ms. Perez' child is both too young, and has plenty of positive influences to counteract Clark's racism. Additionally, Clark will have his own survival instinct maintaining his cooperation. Candidate for re-population.[/color] [hr] [*]Dr. (Ms.) Rita: 66, Hispanic, Catholic, general practitioner (doctorate), poor health (two heart attacks), highly literate (quotes extensively). [color=8dc73f]-Ms Rita is a doctor, simple and clean. She has the highest quoted literacy, and will serve as a significant asset to teaching the next generation. Although it is possible that she will die before anyone else, it's likely that she'll have enough time to educate her peers on general health practices, including assisted child-birth. Considering the environment, advanced health practices are out of reach, anyways. She also shares Ms. Perez' nationality, and likely, her language as well. Ms. Perez may be the best candidate to retain her knowledge, considering her very young age and the lack of a possible language barrier. They are likely to share cultural tradition as well. Good for morale.[/color] [hr] [*]Mr. Texeira: 25, White, Atheist, English/Writing Major, Intellectual Advantage (IQ 130+), Panic disorder, Highly Literate, Exceptional Leadership Skills. [color=00aeef]-If nothing else, highly receptive to information, and exceptionally quick to learn. Capacity to think objectively, and best candidate for re-population. Mental well-being is perfectly manageable, and maintains the capacity to direct and manage the efforts of peers. Has no qualms with religious political orientation.[/color] [hr] [*]Dr. (Mr.) Scott: 37 historian (doctorate), college professor, good health (jogs daily), botanist, married (Mrs. Scott), has one child (Billy Scott). [color=fff200]-Father to Billy Scott, an essential asset in keeping his mental health stable. One of the best candidates for passing on knowledge. Knowledge of botany is an asset to farming. May be exchanged for his spouse(?)[/color] [hr] [*]Mrs. Scott: 38, white, Jewish, obese, diabetic, psychologist (master's degree), mental health counselor, married (Dr. Scott), and has one child (Billy Scott) [color=fff200]-Mother to Billy Scott, an essential asset in keeping his mental health stable. Second best female candidate for re-population. Good for morale, and the state of humanity's mental health. May be exchanged for her spouse(?)[/color] [hr] [*]Mrs. Anthony: 28, African-American, Protestant (minister's daughter), electronics engineer (bachelor's degree), divorced, politically active (zero population growth). [color=ed1c24]-No marketable skills outside of her engineering degree, which will be largely irrelevant in the early stages of survival, as most machinery that her skill-set applies to will either be of a low priority, or permanently inoperable even with her knowledge. Although she is the second best candidate for reproduction in theory, a combination of her political beliefs, religious background, and the fact that she's been divorced by the age of 28 without any child to show for it, makes her the most unlikely to engage in sexual activity, let alone child birth. This excludes [i]rape,[/i] which is absolutely unacceptable. Race conflicts with Mr. Clark's beliefs, who's body of knowledge is superior for survival.[/color] [hr] [*]Mr. White: 25, African-American, homosexual, medical student, musician, good health, political active (black power activist). [color=ed1c24]-No marketable skills outside his medical knowledge. Mr White is, much like Mrs. Anthony, very unlikely to engage in sexual activity for the sake of reproduction. Additionally, he is the only homosexual male, which will inevitably lead to sexual frustration, ultimately likely to negatively affect his mood. His body of knowledge is outclassed by Ms. Rita, entirely.[/color] [/list] List compiled for immediate capacity for survival, and ordered to prioritize long-term survival.