Does this work? [@lopsided] [hider=Philippe Vesper] [hr][hr][center][h3][color=#89cff0][img],/sunny-spring-day.regular.png[/img][/color][/h3] [img] [/img] [color=#89cff0][sub]"Chin up princess, your tiara is falling."[/sub][/color] [/center] [hr] [color=#89cff0][b]Name|[/b][/color] [indent]Philippe Vesper (Called Ves by those close to him).[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Age|[/b][/color] [indent]26.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Gender|[/b][/color] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Current Residence|[/b][/color] [indent]Los Angeles.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Occupation[/b][/color] [indent]IT Specialist.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Sexuality|[/b][/color] [indent]Demisexual.[/indent] [hr] [color=#89cff0][b]Appearance|[/b][/color] [indent]Philippe stands at a bit over average height, at 5'10". His posture is usually lax and casual, befitting of his general disposition. His gaze is usually all over the place, unfocused and dull, until and unless you somehow manage to catch his attention. His dirt blonde hair is left to its own devices, allowed to flow freely and rest on his face with only an occasional, indolent swipe upwards to be kept out of his line of sight. [/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Personality|[/b][/color] [indent]Before he met Sarah, Philippe cared alot about the pecking order, the 'cliques'- the jocks, popular kids etc. This extended to his style of clothing, and mincing his words so that the 'popular kids' wouldn't oust him and keep him within their circle. He even did things he himself was not very comfortable with doing. Basically Philippe was a shell of a person, who didn't form his own opinions and just followed the trend, and norms. After meeting and becoming friends with Sarah, he began to really not care for the social hierarchy of the school and disregarded it entirely, going out of his way to stop petty things like bullying- feeling empathy and guilt towards those who couldn't fend for themselves. To many others who really didn't get to know him, Philippe seemed uncaring and rather lazy. Which was a fair assumption as he seems to, thanks to Sarah's influence, not really care about what other think of him, his personality, clothing, attitude and similar. His actions started to become be fully from his own choosing- as he stopped letting others opinions affect his, although he still takes them into (relatively careful) consideration. This made him feel more like a person than before, forming his own 'identity' In his highschool days, though he doesn't try to be, he comes off as charismatic and easy to talk too, this is accentuated by his rather naturally free spirited nature, coming off as a guy who seems like he will listen to your troubles with an open ear. This trait was further trained and developed by his past part time job as a Bartender. Furthermore, he openly despised gossip and hearsay, not so much to himself but more towards his friends- antagonizing those that he shouldn't. One of his most respectable but damning traits is his willingness to help, if he sees an individual in real need he can't help himself to, well, help them. Even the thing that can help them is out of his reach, he will try his damned hardest to do so, even at times being frightfully naive always trying to see the good in even bad situations. In that vein, it is hard to truly anger Philippe. Though others have managed to in the past.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Interest|[/b][/color] [indent]- Technology. - Music (Listening). - Kendo. [/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Skills|[/b][/color] [indent]- Bachelor of Computer Sciences. - 4th Dan Kendo.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Hopes and Dreams|[/b][/color] [indent]To have a life which he could be satisfied in living.[/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Fears|[/b][/color] [indent]- Drowning. - Being controlled. - Not righting his wrongs. - Dying without having a fulfilling life.[/indent] [hr] [color=#89cff0][b]History|[/b][/color] [indent]During his youth, Philippe was what one would call a 'faceless doormat'. His parents didn't have much of a presence in his life, as both worked long hours into the night. By the time they did get home, they pronounced themselves tired, and did not indulge Philippe in the antics you would with a child. This neglect instilled a sense of desperation in the young child who sought a place to 'belong'. He slowly turned this sense of desperation to his peers in school. He stopped at nothing to be accepted by them, and become a social chameleon, changing his devoid shell of self to fit those around him. This went on through his school life- from middle school to his entrance to highschool. While he wasn't despised and was, in the loosest sense of the word, in the popular clique. Not many wanted to be involved with him however, from inside and outside of these cliques. The people inside the cliques did not at all hang out with him outside of parties where everyone was there, they subconsciously felt that Philippe didn't have a real, tangible personality to him and opted to avoid him. People outside the cliques also disliked those within said clique, as they weren't the most well-liked due to their antics- usually outright bullying a chosen 'target'. He subconsciously realized the toxicity of this kind of relationship, but the fear paralyzed him from doing anything. It was after the first year of highschool was when he met Sarah, who openly laughed at his own clique, and disregarded their haughty reminder of the hierarchy when they displayed so. Philippe was utterly flabbergasted by this, and secretly began to admire her. Someone who seemed so 'real' and 'genuine' compared to everyone else in highschool. Despite the clique's utter disapproval, and blacklisting of Sarah, he began to talk to her more often, being fascinated by her outgoing, and free-willed personality. Slowly he began to change, he distanced himself from his old clique, and started to hang out with Sarah, and began forming his own personality. For better or for worse, Sarah rubbed off on him. A few years later, his parents work dragged him away from the quaint life of Higgins, to move into the bustling city of Los Angeles. His leave was abrupt, however, and he was in a heated argument with Sarah. He recently had heard that she had began to dabble in drug usage, he didn't care about the supposed rumors of her dating a teacher, nor her overdrinking during parties, but taking drugs was where Philippe drew the line. The argument ended in both sides getting heated, both saying words they would end up regretting. Philippe never got to say he was sorry. [/indent] [color=#89cff0][b]Anything Else?| (likes, dislikes, quirks, bodymarkings.)[/b][/color] [indent]• Spinning his pen between his fingers when idle; so much so that it's fairly impressive. • Fixes the crinkle of his clothes whenever he sees it (and if he's close enough with the other person, will try do so nonchalantly). • Passable singing voice.[/indent] [hr] [/hider]