Okay, I decided to use a different character for this. Since, I have an opportunity to use him I don't typically get. Also, I hope you're ready for lots of reading. [hider=Escotto De La Rocha] Intro Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I20Eldc9AgQ]Tornado by Mindless Self Indulgence[/url] Outro Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecyznDhFWJk]This is L.A. by Delinquent Habits[/url] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Escotto De La Rocha, AKA “El Tormento” [u][b]Species: [/b][/u]Human [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 15 3/4 [u][b]Source:[/b][/u] Original [url=https://snag.gy/uAsNMg.jpg]Appearance Description:[/url] Escotto stands about 5'4" and sports a thin, toned build. His hair has been dyed white... For reasons that were never explained, and his eyes have turned blue, and can be seen glowing in low-light environments. He likes to wear punk wear, such as the sleeve hoody/t-shirt combo, ripped jeans and vans sneakers seen in the pic. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Escotto, first and foremost, is a wild card. He loves adventure, thrills, and danger. If most guys in Escotto's shoes are staring into the abyss; Escotto's the one laughing at it and saying mean things about it's mother. Hence, he gets bored if things aren't moving fast and chaotic enough for his liking. While this makes Escotto [i]seem[/i] like a reckless fool, appearances can be deceiving. Escotto's antics and trolling has seen him expose and take down various wrong doers, help people seek answers to problems, and overall, solve various problems. Escotto may be a nutter. But, he's a nutter with a plan. Escotto does have some odd quirks. For one, he thinks the fact he's a college student qualifies him as an adult. This will make him chase women who are significantly older than him, and is disgusted with the idea of chasing girls his own age. He also has strange habits such as narrating what he's doing. No matter what, Escotto [u]never[/u] seems to get angry, believing it's more productive to get even. When he [i]drinks[/i], however... Escotto becomes a surly, violent kid who will perceive any nearby male to be an enemy and violently attack them until he passes out. For this reason, Escotto only drinks when he's up against a tough opponent. Otherwise, he's straight edge for life. [hider=The Life & Times of Escotto De La Rocha]Born and raised in Tijuana, Mexico, Escotto is the youngest of Los Hermanos De Las Rochas (The Brothers De Las Rochas). The brothers' town was under the mercy of a powerful drug cartel whose son attended school with them. While everyone wallowed in fear, and turned to God for asylum, Escotto turned to a Chinese guy he once saw running on water and punch a tree into firewood. At Escotto's urging, the man told Escotto about the concept of Qi, Chinese martial arts, and Buddhism. Seeing what they could do about the Cartel problem, Escotto asked the man to teach him and his brother martial arts. At first the man refused to teach them, since they weren't Chinese. Antonio refused to learn, convinced the man was a satanist. However, three months of annoying both this man and Antonio caused them to cave in. By the time Escotto turned 13, the son of the Drug Cartel leader [s]killed his father[/s] inherited his position as the new leader and kidnapped a “lady friend” of Antonio's. One kick ass action plot that ended with the Drug Cartel dead or fleeing later, Los Hermanos De Las Rochas learned their master was part of [i]Chún Shàolín[/i] (“Pure Shàolín”): An underground group of martial artists whose purpose was to preserve the teachings of Shaolin, and one day overthrow the communists in China. Having learned all they could, the brothers where brought to China for the “Trials of the Thirty-Six Chambers”. Upon being first to completing the chambers, Escotto was given a scroll, and his brother a set of prayer beads. Opening this scroll transmitted the lost techniques of Shàolín. Thus, it was time for the brothers to take their place as the champions of Shaolin and spread the Dharma t- “Wait, does this mean I have to shave my head and never get laid?” “But, of course.” “Haha, no. I'll stick to being a Gong-Fu badass. But hey, call me up when you're ready to kick the commies out!” …. Or, rather they returned to Mexico, got a scholarship to attend college in California, where Escotto learned to skate and trolls the hell out of people.[/hider] [u][b]Skills: [/b][/u] Martial Arts Expert: Since he was young, Escotto had been training in the martial arts. Beginning with [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Shaolin_(martial_art)]Northern Shaolin[/url] Gong-Fu & [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunken_boxing]Drunken Fist[/url], Escotto's inheriting the Scroll of Shàolín's secrets downloaded the other secrets preserved in the other styles into his brain. These include [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_Chun]Wing Chun[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choy_Li_Fut]Choy Li Fut[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hung_Ga]Hung Gar[/url], and its lost Qi-Gong techniques. Pro Skater: Upon arriving in UCLA, Escotto got in with a group of skaters. Which it took much trial and error, and lots of injuries, he eventually got the hang of it. He can achieve incredible speeds and heights on his board. Multilingual: Escotto speaks fluent Spanish, Cantonese & Mandarin Chinese, and English. He's considering learning Japanese to annoy a weeaboo at his college. Talent Artist: Escotto is actually a very talented sculptor and photographer. He dreams to do a photoshoot a beautiful royal figure naked someday, like that seen from Titanic. [u][b]Traits: [/b][/u] Genius Intellect: Escotto is a certified Genius, which allowed him to skip several grades and attend high school, and eventually college with his older brother, where he studies... Art? Well, he does minor in physics, which he believes helps his fighting and skating. Shaolin Training: Escotto's training in Shaolin martial arts have given him mental and physical conditioning that outperforms even the best Olympic athletes [s]even after they use steroids[/s]. He can perceive and detect the presence of supernatural forces, including magic, spirits, etc. He is resistant to mind-effecting powers, requiring significant effort to bend him to one's will. Tiě gān gōngfū (Iron Liver Gong-Fu): Pretty much a requirement of Drunken Boxing practitioners. As long as Escotto keeps up his exercises, his liver can withstand a lot of alcohol consumption. [hider=Powers:] Escotto's powers focus more on enhancing and/or augmenting his physical abilities. Certain abilities work better with certain techniques and styles. Xīngyǐng yuán wǔ (Star Shadow Dance): A technique of the Wing Chun branch. The user's conjures tangible after-images that imitates their movements a split-second afterward. This allows them to bury their target under a flurry of blows, confuse their opponents with multiple images of them, or in Escotto's case, engage multiple enemies at once [s]if used properly[/s] Wǔ Xiàng (Five Symbols): A technique of the Hung Gar branch. The user assumes a stance imitating one of the Five Symbols of the Big Dipper constellation. The [color=00aeef]Qīng[/color][color=39b54a]lóng [/color](Blue-Green Dragon) Stance gives the user's strikes a venomous property, but on the flip side can be used to cure poisons. The [color=ed1c24]Zhū Què[/color] (Vermilion Bird) Stance allows the user to move at incredible speeds to the point of seeming to teleport. The Bái Hǔ (White Tiger) Stance gives the user's strikes a slashing property that can rend various materials. Xuánwǔ (Black Tortoise/Mysterious Warrior) Stance allows the user to absorb the force of strikes successfully parried and turn it back on the opponent, regardless of their size, strength, etc. Finally, the [color=fff200]Huánglóng[/color] (Golden Dragon) Stance grants the user similar abilities of the previous for stands. These include: Phasing through matter, applying a “Soul Burn” effect to those they hit, teleporting short distances, and his skin turning into dragon scales that can withstand most damage. However, each stance's effect can only be used if the user continuously imitates that animal. If their stance is broken or interrupted, the effects are canceled. The Huánglóng stance is only usable if the user fells five opponents with each the previous four, and it's effects only last 20 minutes. Yújiā Yánshēn (Yogi's Reach): A technique of the Choy li Fut branch. The user is able to increase the flexibility of their body. This allows them to extend their limbs an extra 50 feet, give their strikes the properties of a whip and/or ensnare targets. Escotto uses his technique to achieve some ridiculous forms Fēngshuǐ zhī nù (Fenshi's Fury): A technique of the Northern Shaolin branch. The user is able to move the very air, sending gusts with their punches and kicks, creating tornados with spinning movements, and can step on the air as if it were solid. While seemingly redundant, Escotto uses this as an alternative to Yújiā Yánshēn Zuìjiǔ fènnù (Drunken Rage): Not a power, but a fact about Escotto. When he drinks, he goes into a sort of drunken rage. His strikes are much faster, stronger and his pain receptors are numbed. This effect lasts about five minutes, but extends every time Escotto finishes a full bottle of alcohol. However, his behavior becomes unpredictable. It's also the only way Escotto can remember his Drunken Boxing. When the five minutes are up, Escotto passes out for eight hours and wakes up with a horrible hang over. As such, he saves this for particularly difficult opponents. Some notes on Escotto's powers: Escotto can only employ one of these abilities at a time. Each ability lasts until Escotto's Qi is spent, or until it's dismissed, canceled, interrupted, etc. The way I'll manage Escotto's Qi is that each post that has him use one of these abilities will count as one use of his Qi. Escotto will get... Let's say 20 uses of Qi and can replenish them by doing Qigong or meditation exercises. The only exception will be his Drunken Rage. [/hider] [u][b]Equipment: [/b][/u] Ramona: Escotto's trusty skateboard. He never leaves home without it. Sometimes he uses it as a weapon. Wallet: Contains $20 American money, his baby pictures, several business cards, [s]condoms[/s] and a credit card he knicked off some douchebag. Switchblades: Hey, he's Mexicano, remember? Whadaya mean most Mexicanos don't carry switchblades around?! Smartphone: Your typical Smartphone. There's a lot of pictures and music. But not much in the way of apps [/hider]