[hider=Drimbold the Longbeard] [B]Username:[/B]POOHEAD189 [b]Character Name:[/b] Drimbold Balkinson [b]Race/Species:[/b] Dawi (Longbeard) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 253 [b]Career (if any) and Skills:[/b] Drimbold has been a professional Dwarf soldier for most of his life. He began as a miner in Karaz-a-Karak, before a Grobi incursion erupted within one of the holes his group had dug in. He was enlisted as a soldier, and found it to be his calling, even being promoted to Ironbreaker. He knows how to fight, he knows the structure of tunnels and the mining of ore. He can somewhat smith mundane items, though while this would be superb to manlings, it would not be the best Dwarf work. He also knows how to read a battlefield and map terrain. [b]Weapons:[/b] Gromril Axe, 3 steel Throwing Axes [b]Attire:[/b] Leather jerkin over Gromril chainmail, with a steel helmet and sturdy trousers and steel boots, along with steel greaves, pauldrons, and bracers. [b]Equipment/Other[/b]He carries a small travel sack, with a small blanket, a flask of bugman's, a pipe with pipeweed, and a locket of his family. [b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b] This longbeard is weathered, with gnarled, leather skin covered in scar tissue telling of ancient battles. His hair on his head is close cropped, yet his beard flows past his knees and is adorned with bronze fixings with khazalid symbols, creating 7 separate ends of his beard. Though his hair is grey and his iron eyes speak of a lifetime of wisdom, he is intensely muscled and broad. Somewhat tall for a Dwarf, the top of his helmet is still no higher than the average manling's navel. [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] Drimbold is initially what you would expect most Longbeards to be. Dour, grumbling, wise yet brawny and still fit. However he has a deep sadness and infuriating, simmering anger beneath his beard that most need to look hard at to see, for when his family was slain, he found that even the death of the Boss who did it didn't fully sate his rage at the injustice of the world. Drimbold is not without his comraderie and light heartedness however, for he enjoys campaigning and a good smoke of pipeweed. Long marches ease his mind, and he isn't above giving wise advice to the manlings or younger members of his company. [b]Background/History:[/b] Drimbold Balkinson was born in Karaz-a-Karak to the Stoneguard Clan. Avid miners, Drimbold was a mere beardling when he began his mining career, only for him to get a taste of battle through a small Grobi incursion. He picked up his mattock and battered three to death before he and his companions escaped. He signed up as a soldier in order to get vengeance on those Grobi daring to attack the great hold, wanting to live up to his ancestor's deeds. However, he would be called to join the young, as-of-yet-to-be-Highking, Thorgrim Grudgebearer, to the north when the Chaos Incursion invaded Kislev. He was but merely 30 when he set out, and when he returned some years later he seemed a far more confident and wiser Dwarf, having faced Daemons and terrors and lived to tell the tale. Not only that, but he and Throgrim's retinue met and re-established contact with Kraka-Drak in the North. When Thorgrim was crowned High King, those warriors who had distinguished themselves were given rewards. Drimbold asked for the honor of joining the Ironbreakers, that most prestigious of Warrior Orders. As the years progressed, he fought against the vile Skaven and the Greenskins of the dark. During his leaves, he met a young buxom beauty and fell in love with her, marrying her and fathering sons. It was when Drimbold was disrcharged to live in the countryside with his family that his life came crashing down, for Orcs attacked the passes in the World's Edged Mountains. As Drimbold was visiting a cousin in Karaz-A-Karak, his family was slain by a small time Nob boss, Gorlok Grimjaw. Drimbold spent five years hunting him down and slaying him, after receiving recompense for the lackluster rangers, a number of them shaving their heads. With no home and no more military service, and with a great wish for violence left in him, he became a mercenary.[/hider]