Euterpe continued to maintain her 'angry face', which looked more like a saddened pout then anything, at the large man in front of her, hoping it would be enough to have him stand down for now. She knew her faithful companion meant no harm, but there were some times where he could get a little bit too excited and forget what was going on around him. She couldn't deny that she loved that part of him, but when other people's lives were possibly in danger, she needed to put her foot down. Just when she thought she would need to put Kyros down even more, Euterpe was surprisingly assisted by a boy with similar hair color and a head or two taller than her. The little musician's eyes immediately traveled down to the bright blue scarf around his neck before looking back at Kyros with an incredulous look. [color=#f5acb3][b]"Yet? Wh-What's that suppose to mean?"[/b][/color] She frowned before straightening at the sound of a much older voice relaying the fact that they actually knew each other. It was quite funny seeing the older man grab his heart like that, heck, Euterpe probably would have laughed too if it weren't for Kyros' booming voice pulling her attention. Of course not being the type to say no to almost anything Kyros wanted, Euterpe nodded quickly. [color=#f5acb3][b]"U-Um, sure. If they would like to, that is."[/b][/color] Kyros was definitely right when he said that these people were very nice and nowhere near as scary as she would have thought if she hadn't talked to them; even the older man Kyros knew and was trying to fight seemed really silly and fun to be around. Eventually, Euterpe's gaze found its way back to the blonde boy who graciously helped her out, speaking up to the boy seconds after. [color=#f5acb3][b]"Th-Thanks for your help, uh... Mister."[/b][/color] Not knowing his name and not wanting to be rude, Euterpe defaulted to 'Mister'. [color=#f5acb3][b]"I-I like your scarf th-thing by the's really cute."[/b][/color] She smiled shyly before pointing to her own, more sufficient for colder weather, scarf. Giving a slight bow and sliding away when her Ifrit companion attempted to give the other blonde some soup, Euterpe turned to the older man Kyros attempted to fight earlier and cautiously held up one of the bowls she had in her hand in case he wanted some. [@ShwiggityShwah] [@Eisenhorn] [@Starberries]