[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] Clinic[/center][hr][hr] Harry stuffed the cash back in his wallet as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to go through. Hydrogen Peroxide burned quite badly when applied to even minor paper cuts, and this certainly was far beyond a minor paper cut. If there was any solace to be had, it was that compared to something like the hands, calves were very low resolution part of the body, meaning fewer and less sensitive nerve endings, meaning less pain than potentially could be had. He took a hold of his seat and took a deep breath, but that still wasn't enough to properly ready himself for what lay in wait. The peroxide was way, way worse than any other wound he'd used for it beforehand, and he had to sharply exhale in response. Yet, it was all over a lot faster than he'd been expecting. In comparison to cleaning the wound, the actual stitching was rather tame. Yeah, it felt weird to feel string running through his flesh and each pass through had a sharp sting, but it wasn't unbearable. [color=slategray]"Will do,"[/color] Harry confirmed as he left the clinic. Now patched up, the PI was left to his own devices once more. He briefly wondered if he should head over to the shop now, or return back to the Bed and Breakfast quickly to get a set of clothes that weren't dyed with blood. But the bodily fluid had long since seeped into his shoe, so that ship had sailed. And enough of his time had been wasted today to various things. No, he resolved that he'd head on over directly to Mrs. Halsey's shop. He could change into clean clothes later, when they weren't in danger of being immediately ruined anyways. Harry did his best to quickly fix up his appearance as best he could, dirtied and wrinkled as they were (the lack of a tie only contributed further to not looking as professional as he would've liked) before stepping into his car and leaving the Clinic, making sure to drive gingerly. He didn't want to break any stitches immediately after having them installed. His insurance provider definitely wouldn't be happy with that.