[h1][center][b][color=afd644]Romeo Tallis[/color][/b][/center][/h1] [h3][center]The Clock Tower[/center][/h3] [hr] Being an executioner, Romeo had seen plenty of mages in vulnerable and human states before, but this was different. The flustered lady, the polite guy, and the disappointed old man. It was like a sitcom or something. That being the case, he thought, it would be best to strike while the iron was hot and start interacting with mages in a friendly way for the first time in his life. [color=afd644]"It's true that a Servant is the best tool to rely on in battles like these, but even so..."[/color] He stood up and quickly approached Cassandra. [color=afd644]"...I'd love to know what kind of magecraft you guys are good at!"[/color] Before he even finished that sentence he remembered his superior was in the room and tried to wear a face with a little more seriousness. [color=afd644]"I mean, when you work with someone you have to know what they can do for you."[/color] Even when he tried his hardest to be professional, he still sounded a little bit like a nerd asking about the powers of a comic book character. [color=afd644]"I myself am partial to sneaking around, then running up and going for a hand-to-hand takedown. It's not the kind of thing mages are used to, so it tends to be sorta effective against them."[/color] As he described each part of his "battle plan" he made mostly unconscious hand motions to illustrate them, tensing up and shifting his head from side to side as if sneaking before raising his fists to about neck level like some sort of terrible boxer. [color=afd644]"As for questions to you, Director, do you have any clue who the head of the family is or what kind of structure they have beyond that? The average family as I understand it will have the head, their spouse, and one, maybe two kids. That's not enough to support a full Servant roster unless they call in a bunch of aunts and uncles or favours from allied houses."[/color] [color=afd644]"Beyond that, who else are we waiting for? If this student of yours has already been cleared with you then there's not really much reason for her to be here, so that leaves me, father Anderson, Leon and Cassandra. My plan is mostly to take out the enemy Masters and let their Servants disappear, but it's good to have a full team, right? Especially when the bad guys are hiding in an illusion forest."[/color] Now that he was standing again, Romeo's body language exuded energy as he shifted repeatedly from one foot to the other.