[color=39b54a]"I mean don't get me wrong I love a good fight as much as anyone but this is a war with our lives on the line Mister Romeo. I'll fight if I need to but I'll depend on my servant to do the heavy work. I don't want to risk more than I need to, and if you don't mind me being blunt sir you shouldn't either. I've heard of you're group and the sacramental order. I don't know much but you're badasses right? But even then illusion magic is notorious for being underhanded. Running into a defensive battle against a family that specializes in it seems dangerous."[/color] Leon said as he turned to Romeo he tried to keep a neutral face but he couldn't help but feel the man was being a bit eager. As he layed out his own set of skills Leon felt more obliged to share his own, though his skill set was by no means secretive, he'd feel more comfortable if he had it on the hush side. His grand father had warned him about the church's underhanded ways. But that was no way to think about an ally in a war that was going to involve the fate of the world. [color=39b54a]"For the sake of being honest, and up front with you Mister Romeo I specialize in kinetic energy based combat. Mage on mage fights are my specialty. I have control of Water, and Wind elemental styles of magecraft. I can fight in the open rather well but I prefer to have cover. I had no actual war experience only practice bouts, and controlled fight. But I am my father's son I am capable of adapting on the fly. My family wouldn't have trusted me with this if I was a novice."[/color] Leon spouted off as he listed his experience off to the man wondering if the information was of any use to the man irregardless. At least he could feel good about being up front with the man. Even if it didn't ease Leon's nervousness at the prospect of summoning a person from a by-gone era. [color=fff200]"You don't know my skill set lad? HA! That's a new one! I specialize in anti-magecraft warfare. I have fire, wind, and earth elemental affinity. I have practiced most sacramental magecraft styles offered by the church, and am a expert in close quarters combat, medium range combat, and have a expertise with melee weapons. Specifically our black keys. I prefer stealth based quick executions that instantly kill the opponent be it through cutting a man's throat, or putting a black key through his head. I have also studied various other magecraft forms like Alchemy, and Necromancy in order to further my own skillset against rogue magi. You don't need to worry lad. I know how to kill a man well enough."[/color] Anderson said with a smile as he clapped his hands together at the younger executor's excitement, and thrill for his new assignment. When it came the Director's turn to speak he adjusted his clothes, and pulled out a small picture of an elder man. Medium length white hair covered his aging skin, and body. He had dulled blue eyes, but despite this he still appeared to be quite fit. The picture was taken alongside two men in the Atlas Institution's uniform. [color=8493ca]"You should've been briefed on this. The Head of the Grey Family is Arnoldo K. Grey. Former professor of Necromancy, and Illusion magecraft study here in The Mage Institution, and former benefactor of the Atlas Institution prior to the cold war. Arnoldo was a perfectionist, and very few students gained his respect. He was only twenty three at the time of his induction as a teacher here in the clocktower. He was a grouchy man even back then, and was very obsessed with mage superiority. However when Adolf Hitler began killing off jews he included the magi along with them which set him against the nazis. After the war he broke most ties with the Clocktower, and went to Moscow to learn more about the rising Soviet Union." "He also was said to have explored the Baltic coasts from time to time but such information is up to speculation. He has known to have father three sons, and one daughter. It is unknown where the sons are however one of them is known to be dead, and the daughter has been missing from the public eye for years. It is speculated that he has at least two grand kids who he has kept sheltered from us for years. It is unknown if they used illusion magic to do so or not. It was when the Soviet Union fell that he slunk back into isolation. The Greys have only been heard from on occasion until this point. Arnoldo loves his privacy hence the heavy magical forest hiding around his god forsaken magic."[/color] The Director stated as rested back into his chair. His exposition was very heavy but he spoke clearly, and fairly slowly as to not need to repeat himself. [color=8493ca]"We are not waiting on anyone else for the moment there may be more, there may not be. I'll send out a notice to our contact just in case. Where there any other questions, or inquires?"[/color] questioned the Director as he looked around the room. Leon shook his head the information was pointless to him his plan was to simply adjust to circumstances as it came. He didn't know what to expect he'd never even left the states before let alone go to Europe. This was his first outing in the big world. And he wasn't one to botch it over some dumb question, or another that would come out of his mouth. He lacked confidence in himself at the moment with two executors in the room. He was in the big boy pool, and it was sink, or swim so he'd let the more responsible adults, if that is what you call these people, handle the planning for the moment.